anyone with emg knowledge?

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Nov 17, 2010
Hello...I had an emg because of fasciculations as well as localised ones on my thenar muscle.
The report says no fibrilliations no fasciculations reported.However when the needle was in my thenar muscle and it was at rest there was a straight line on screen then a spike then again a straight line then a spike and as it went on again it was the same. From what i looked it looks like fibrilliations. But why did the doctor said they werent any?
Anyone know what it could be?
Are these fabriliations but the doctor didnt think it was important or what?
Thank you
It takes many years of intensive training, for a doctor to become a neurologist, and extra training to become a neurophysiologist, doing NCS and EMG. I am quite sure that he knows what he is seeing on the screen. Nerves are never completely quiet (unless you are dead). There will always be some activity, even when you are doing your best to keep still.
Just trust that your Neuro will know what he is doing. I am fairly sure that you would not know what Fibrillations and fasciculations looked like on the screen, so try not to worry .
Yes you are right i probably wouldnt know!I have read however that the muscle at rest shouldnt have no potentials. What could those spikes be anyone knows?
alyoop i have read you are a neuro nurse do you happen to have more input on emg's?
Thank you
wow. Have you really read about Potentials in EMG! Activity just shows you are alive, believe me . I have had 5 EMG's and never not had activity, even when resting. Best not to read any Info that deep. Just trust your Doctor, that things are fine.
Try not to fall into the trap, of too much knowledge, that you cannot fully understand. I am usually thinking of calming walks down the beach, when having an EMG, not whats happening on the screen, and I am a neuro nurse.
Just let the experts do their thing and you do yours. That way you will not get too anxious. I am sure you will be fine, and your EMG was fine like your doctor said.
Thank you so much...Yes propably he knows his job!i just read resting muscle has no activity and i was perplexed...and that musccle was the only one that had that thing i was just really wondering and i am really anxious over it....
No activity means no spontaneous activity...meaning fibrillations. No fibs no dennervation means no ALS..congrats!
hello nice to meet you
FOrgive me and correct me if i am wrong but doesnt spontaneous activity mean activity when muscle at rest?
thank you be glad to hear input from you
When they refer to spontaneous activity they are referring to those activities of which are not normal sounds of the muscles. Everyones muscles have activity going on but not bad activity meaning dennervation which is the fibrillations and positive sharp waves. I swear to you that if you had spontaneous activity the neuro wouldve told you and it would be in your report lover. Stop worrying you are ALS free go out and celebrate :)
Thank you limegreenphysicist!
I got really scared after i posted because i was reading people reaction to ppl who ask over and over again i dont want to end up annoying.
Deff need to cut Dr. Google.
anyone with knowledgw to share is welcome!
Limegreen has the knowledge, listen to what she says, because she knows her stuff:grin:
thank you everyone i was looking at the emg again today and it said no spontaneous activity in the tested even if i had an activity which wouldnt be considered malignant wouldnt they have to mention it?
Or is this activity not regarded as spontaneous.
Dont be confused, just leave it. You have only fasciculations in a muscle. Most people would not have an EMG for that, as it is usually begnign , when not accompanied by weakness or wasting. Your neurologist is happy that you are fine. Your EMG was entirely normal, so be careful not to get hung up with the result. Maybe you should throw the result away. I did that when I got a bit obsessed with a result, and it helped, as I could never look at it again. You could go to another website that has a neurologist answer the queries. I saw one last week and the replies were good. This is a forum of people with only limited knowledge, who are on the whole, suffering from ALS, PLS or other gruesome neurological problems. It seem we are unable to answer your query.

Best of luck Aly
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