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New member
Oct 2, 2010
Learn about ALS
Hello all. I have just registered here because I would love to hear some opinions from some people who have had similar symptoms to mine, and whether or not you think it points to ALS. Obviously we are not doctors but I greatly appreciate people's input on the matter.

The symptoms I have noticed pretty much started the Tuesday after Labor Day of this year, so have not been going on but about 4 weeks. I should start by saying that the day before Labor day my husband and I loaded up, unloaded, and moved one of those wooden play structures with the swingset that attaches like you see for sale outside walmart) BY OURSELVES. I'd guess this thing weights 400 - 500 lbs and it is the opinion of many that I probably majorly pulled something or pinched a nerve, or something related to this because up until the day after Labor day, after doing all of this, I felt fine.

So here goes--Tue after Labor day woke up with my right leg up to about my knee feeling like it was in that fun state of about to go to sleep but not really numb yet. It stayed that way for 3 or 4 days but eventually and gradually went away. Also had tingling in fingers and toes that would come and go. That is gone now too. Also have had very frequent muscle twitches including the tremor-like jerky ones as well as the ones that feel just like a bug is crawling on you. The bug ones came on days later from initial symptoms. Also what I don't know if you call muscle weakness or not. It basically feels like I have done major arm excercises after I've done something mundane like sewing by hand or something like that with my arm. Again, feels more like sore muscle than anything. Mostly in right arm but that may just be b/c I use right arm more? I feel it from my neck/shoulder muscles down my arm--feels overworked and sore like it would had I overworked it. Also, legs still feel weaker than usual but nothing like the first day of sympoms (Tue after Labor Day) when my legs just felt very heavy. Felt that way a few days but gradually got better and now just feel kind of tired. I did have a point when they felt a little shakey after bending down and using my calf muscles for a longer time period than normal. (I was re-attaching all the coverings on a stroller and it took awhile). This really worried me.

I have been to the GP who sent me to the Neuro and I've seen him twice since all this began. He basically thinks it is anxiety and prescribed Paxil which only made me feel very jittery and worse, and xanax if I have bad anxiety over this, because I was very anxious the first week or so. My mom's opinion is that the overworked feeling in my arms and legs (esp. my right arm and shoulder) is due to carrying my 11 month old daughter around and up and down a flight of 10 stairs all the time because the dear child refused to learn to walk on her own. :) She thinks the repetitive lifting and trying to control her squirming is taking a toll. Any thoughts there?

Please let me know what ya'll think. Is this the sort of muscle weakness associated with ALS? I am probably being paranoid but I had read about ALS previous to all this so I was informed of the symptoms before hand. And I'm a worrier. :) I'm most concerned with the twitches/crawly business and the sore/tired muscles. PLEASE give me some input. Thanks to all and I do greatly appreciate your time.

P.S. The doctor did not think an MRI would show anything and said an EMG could show a false positive if I was overly anxious and he did not recommend it at this point b/c he did not think I had ALS. Plus, all of this I would be paying for out of pocket and we don't have that kind of money right now.
Hi there, sorry you are so anxious. Luckily it does not sound anything like ALS. Just trust your drs and don' t dwell on twitches etc. They can be caused by tired muscles and stress. Top athletes have heaps of them and they do not have ALS. It's a rare disorder and you sound just fine. maybe you are just a tired busy mum.

Ps none of my 5 walked until 17 months!
Doesn't sound like ALS to me either. Thank your doc for not wasting your money. Lots would.

Thank you to Aly and to Al, for your posts. It does make me feel better that you don't think it sounds like ALS. One of the things that I think made the doctor think it is not is how quickly the symptoms showed up. I know everyone is different with how fast symptoms progress, but it's like these just happened all at once after moving the big heavy playset. I am still concerned about the weakness the most though. Does anyone have any ideas about that? Again, it is like my arm/shoulder muscles have been strained and are sore. They are not as sore if I haven't really been doing anything with my arms, and feel worse when I do things even just like normal housework. My legs are not as bad. I have not had any tripping or falling but they just feel tired/weak. The muscles do not usually hurt in them, though my knees do feel a bit weak sometimes. Again, all ideas and opinions are greatly appreciated!
Sounds like its connected to the lifting. You may have just strained and stretched muscles. Time will tell and probably heal.
Best of luck Aly
Other people have told me the same thing about the stretched muscles. I guess my update for this week is that the twitches that feel like a bug crawling on me got fewer and fewer and now have gone away. The other more normal feeling muscle twitches (the jerky kind) are much much fewer....only now and then. I just wish I knew what's going on with my arms and legs. It seems that whatever I do wears them out--arms especially. I can feel what feels like strained muscle through my arms all the way up to my neck. It actually seems a lot more noticeable than a week ago, as a week ago I was only really noticing it in my right arm--maybe just a little in the left. And my legs feel weaker this week, too. I have noticed that my hand will tremble just a little if I have been using that arm for something like sewing for awhile or using a screwdriver for a little bit. I have taken Bayer asprin and it helps with the sore muscle feeling for a bit. I still appreciate any opinions out there, and thank you so much in advance, for your time and thoughts.
Would anyone out there who has been through it be willing to tell me what it feels like to have muscle weakness with ALS? And what it feels like as it progresses?
My muscle weakness started in my left hand after 2 months of constant twitching. I noticed at first i was having difficulty lifting a coffee cup and light weight books and then started dropping things. The next 2 months I could not take a cap off of a tube of chapstick or use nail clippers the fine motor skills were getting worse and now 9 months into this i cannot even hold a potatoe in my hand to peel it, cannot wash my hair, hard to get dressed, type with only one finger on that hand. the muscles have atrophied I used to be fairly strong but the muscles in my left arm and hand feel like mush. Hope this helps.
I am so sorry you are going through this. I'm sure everyone says that, but I really am very sorry for your pain and your loss. Thank you very much for the info. It is the major consensus among people I know that I did some major nerve/muscle damage doing some very heavy lifting (a multi-hundred pound playset with just me and my husband lifting). Anyway, day and a half after we lifted it I felt lots of weakness in my legs but my arms were okay. I think I strained my fingers though. My legs have improved but still feel tired. I was having some twitching but that has mostly subsided, too. My problem now is basically that my legs tire easily it seems and in my arms it feels like the muscles from my neck all the way down my bicep are straining when i lift my arms to do things, esp. the right. Also, I have an 11 month old daughter who refuses to learn to walk so I am still carrying her everywhere and lifting her all the time. I've noticed that my hands will tremble very very slightly at times when holding something, too. We have 10 steps just up to our front door, so many think that my arm issue is due to carrying/lifting her and the leg issue could be to climbing the stairs all the time carrying her. She weighs 20 lbs.

Does this sound like typical ALS "weakness" to you, or does it sound more like strained/tired muscles that just need to rest? I am sorry to bother you with this, but my neurologist is not easing my fears and it seems logical to try to talk to someone who has actually been through it. I greatly appreciate your time and opinions. Thanks!
Also, I should mention that I have not really felt that I can't do something like lift something or open something due to lack of strenght. It is mainly a matter of the muscles feeling strained and sore. Thanks again.
It looks to me like you pulled some muscles and may have even pinched a nerve. Have you thought about getting a massage or seeing a chiropractor?
I am with Zaph. It does not sound like ALS in any way. You have strained your muscles and it will take time for them to heal.
Does anyone think this could be chronic fatigue, or something else maybe I have not thought of? My arms are worse than my legs now. the muscle twitching has subsided to just normal twitches that I've always had. But the arm weakness/tiredness is still there. It is much better after I have rested...even just for an hour. The more I use them the worse it feels. Like I can't hold my arms up in the air for long before I have to rest them on something. The muscles feel very worked/tired. I really hope someone can shed some light on this. I don't have money to have an emg done (it would be out of pocket) and no body I know has any answers, or thinks it is harmless muscle strain. But I am really worried and it makes daily life looking after my kids difficult.
Also..question about muscle atrophy. How long does one normally feel weakness before actually NOTICING an arm looking skinnier?
Your story doesn't sound a thing like ALS, so please get it out of your mind.

As far as your ongoing muscle fatigue problems (not muscle weakness problem, as you would have with ALS): In my opinion, I think you worried yourself so much into thinking that you have ALS, that you are no longer eating very well or sleeping very well . . . and your level of anxiety is through the roof (your anxiety levels are causing an increase in the level of stress hormones, which compounds the problem). All of that can very well cause what you are feeling at the moment. Not until you get your anxiety under control, will you get better.

Your muscle problems did start with an injury but then you made it much worse by letting your mind wander to the internet and self-diagnosing yourself with something there wasn't a shred of evidence you had.

Having said that: Is there a possibility you have some type of virus or autoimmune condition or something else that is causing your muscle fatigue? Yes . . . and that's why you go to a physician and not the internet. I wish you peace.
I dont mean to be rude, but you keep repeating yourself and many people have taken time away from their PALS, or are PALS themselves, to shed some light on your situation, but you dont seem to be listening to any of them.
If you come onto a forum for medical advice, the least you could do is listen to what people are telling you. And like others have said, we cannot diagnose you. You mentioned many many times that you lifted a multiple hundred pound playset with just your husbands help.
why wouldnt you have damaged some of your muscles doing that? that sounds pretty clear cut to me.
all we can do here is tell you our own experiences and offer advice. NOONE here can give you a diagnosis of any kind. you will need to see a neuro for that.
and, so you are aware- as wright was sort of saying, your anxiety level is high and there is a good chance that your mind is bringing on some of these symptoms. It does not sound like ALS. Be thankful. Rest your muscles and move on.
good luck with you journey
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