paralyzing electric shock

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Distinguished member
Aug 28, 2010
I was in a car accident 30 years ago and suffered whiplash. I've had pain and difficulty holding my head up periodically ever since. I currently have a dual diagnosed of ALS and Lyme and am on iv ceftriaxone.

Yesterday I tripped and a massive electric shock of pain paralyzed me from the neck down. I barely kept my balance.

Is this the ALS or Lyme degrading an already weak area of my spine? My MRI showed no abnormalities a few months ago. Should I see a neurosurgeon?
I do not know much if anything about Lyme disease, but have experienced the emmensley painful electric shock feeling. It is caused by something touching your spinal cord. I used to get it occasionaly before I had a cervical fusion, It was caused when I moved a certain way causing the disc to touch the cord. It was nauseating pain. It is a well known syndrome associated with Radiculopathy.

You poor thing, I trust the pain has passed. It dfoes not ysually last for too long once you move the pressure off the cord.

Ive been to two neurosurgeons and both said there's nothing wrong with my neck other than muscular. I guess I'll try physical therapy. I am feeling less pain.
If the shock originates from the neck downward it is called L'hermittes. It is caused when there is no "insulation" around the nerve which allows the electrical impulses that our body uses to transmit signals to go directly to the tissue which the tissue my react with an electric shock type sensation. A lot of people with past injuries to the cervical and thoracic spine may have this sensation every now and again. It would not be something detectable by MRI.

L'hermittes is more associated with CNS problems. As compared to Lyme, we get electric shocks that move entire muscle groups. Like I get them in my face and it jerks my head sideways. Or I'll get one in my leg and kick out. Strange stuff but nothing of much significance. Just part of the program unfortunately. Hope this helps sweety.
Thank you Limegreenphysicist! You've answered a few of my posts and been very encouraging. I'm sorry you've been sick but it's very informative to get answers from someone so smart!

I'm still grappling with an ALS diagnosed but hoping its Lyme. I'm being treated with ceftriaxone, going on 6 months now, and feeling good but not getting the strength back in my atrophied shoulders. I guess this can be a Lyme thing too.

My llmd isn't treating me with any other meds. He wants me to stay on ceftriaxone for a long as possible in case I do have als. I still have so many yucky symptoms but I guess its best to wait. It's interesting that you have also had electric shock sensations. I've been having short shooting electric shock sensations on the surface of my skin, mostly on my arms and legs. I thought it was an ALS symptom, but maybe its Lyme?
Def could be. Electric Shocks are not a direct symptom of ALS. Even though UMN stems from CNS. Electric shocks are more a damage to the cervical spine or cerebral cortex. Not really relating to motor neurons.

Yea I was very sick but now its been 8 months and I'm almost 85% back to normal.
Kelly, you may be 85% back to normal but you are definitely 100% dreamgirl! :wink::wink::grin::grin:
Barry you naughty Bulbarian you ;) I think its just my southern belle charm lol
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