For those that have a diagnosed question about fasciculations

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Lovely Laura

Jul 12, 2010
Learn about ALS
Hello Everyone,

This site has been a great help to me this far. It helps me keep things in perspective and not jump the fence about what may be the cause of my problems. That being said, I have a new symptom that I have questions about. A couple of days ago I felt something funny happening to my hand. Upon observation it looked like something was crawling underneath my skin on the side of my right hand. It would indent and than -re-inflate. I could feel an unusual sensation in my elbow that would travel up my arm and into that area on my hand and then the crawling would begin. It has happened since in my left hand as well but it isn't as obvious or predominate as the right hand. I have also experienced this in my back and thigh each one time only thus far.

My questions are these> At times are the fasciculations so strong that you can feel them coming on? How far into the onset of your symptoms did they begin or were they your initial symptom? Thanks so much for your replies I relaise you may have answered this question before. :)
Lovely Laura

~To know anything well involves a profound sensation of ignorance~
FYI this is not my only symptom. Please see my previous post if you wish to learn about my prgression of symptoms. Thanks again everyone!
Laura, My husbands fasticulations were (are) more active when his arms are at rest. When he first noticed them, he would try to show me, but if he moved, they stopped. I could feel them when we were laying in bed with our arms around each other. HUGS Lori
Thank you sadiemae for your reply! My fasciculations are similar. They happen most often in this fashion on my hand when I am sitting with my palms up but relaxed. My boyfriend and mother have both been witness to them now and they are happening more frequently. Was this your husbands first symptom? I will check your previous post to get some history. I have had them in numerous other places now aswell. Also it seems that my left knee is getting weaker. If I am standing still all of a sudden it will feel like my knee is going to give out and I feel I should sit down or start walking to avoid falling. My boyfriend helps me take my shirt off as I get ready for bed now as I can't lift it over my head. He doesn't seem to mind lol :lol:
All the best to you & yours!

~"Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle."`
I'm sorry I haven't read your other threads? I hope you have been to see a dr about this? I think just to set your mind at ease.. So many different things could attribute to this. I hope and pray it is anything but ALS ..hugs to you, Linda
Thank you for your encouraging words Linda! My next appointment is at the end of August-my GP is on vacation. I will bring it to her attention then. I think I may ask her about a sleep aid > she mentioned it on my last visit b4 I began asking about Lyme and got her off subject. I am sick of the never ending dreaming, nightmares and sudden awakeness that haunts me of a night time. Wishing you the very best!

~He who sings frightens away his ills~ :)
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