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New member
Jul 4, 2010
But seriously. I am getting into my 30s and was a little overwight. As I would rise from bed the bottoms of my feet would hurt (they would cramp up till I got moving more) (at night they would twitch along w/ my calves and thighs) I joined weight watchers and lost almost 20 lbs so far. The muscle cramping is only getting worse...twicthing continues sporadically. As I awake the usual first footings on carpet are getting harder to bear as to where i have to steady myself holding onto furniture to stand up straight. It's harder for me to grip things too. I have had little muscle twitches in my hands and tingling occasionally which could be unrelated I don't know. I have also had trouble swallowing from time to time and almost choked on quite a few things. Now that the weeks have gone on...even though I get a lot of walking in to loose wight and the initial pains of excersing again have went away...The cramping, and WEAKNESS is just getting worse...Almost to the point I get so fatigued midday and have to sit in a recliner chair. I am going to my doctor in two days to get blood work and a possible neurologist referral. My mother has an autoimmunal disease similar to MS and a cousin w/ Lupus. Is this somthing like ALS? I am really nervous and know it could be a million other things, I just don't want people to think I am freaking out, but I am kinda! HELP! PLEASE! Chris
Re: Is this something I should be worried about? (I'm sure you have heard this b4 l

The best thing you can do for yourself is try to relax till you see the doctor and go through some tests.

It is impossible to speculate on what might be going on with you. You are right, it could be a lot of other things. Let us know what the doctor says.
Re: Is this something I should be worried about? (I'm sure you have heard this b4 l

Thanks JoelC for the fast response.

Yea, I have a bad habit of worrying about things I can't control like many people do. What I really should have asked to help me in talking to the dr. Is what and how were your first symptoms if you don't mind me asking. I am just trying to see if that's what I am also having or not. Anyway I hope you are doing as well as you can be right now, and God bless you! :)

Re: Is this something I should be worried about? (I'm sure you have heard this b4 l

One thing I would add, in terms of ALS, is that it would be extremely unusual to have leg weakness, problems with hand grip, and trouble swallowing all hit at the same time. ALS normally starts in one body part and progresses to others over a period of months or years.

Sometimes weight loss can be a bit of a shock to the body. Make sure you are not losing weight too fast and are continuing to eat a healthy diet. Usually Weight Watchers is good about that kind of thing. Good luck with your doctor visit.
Re: Is this something I should be worried about? (I'm sure you have heard this b4 l

A very good point Hal. I don't know how many times I have read where someone comes here saying that they have this symptom and that symptom without realizing that simultaneous limb and bulbar symptoms almost never happen. Now I realize that everyone thinks that they are "special" and different than everyone else but realistically, if it is ALS it starts in one area and eventually moves to the rest of the body.

I wish that no one had to have the knowledge that we have but I also wish that websites that list ALS symptoms would also stress how they occur and how they don't occur so that people would stop making erroneous diagnoses.
Re: Is this something I should be worried about? (I'm sure you have heard this b4 l

I wish I could remember the giggle site I hit upon to get me to suspect ALS. I remember it said how very very rare it was, listed symptoms, but stressed over and over how it probably is NOT ALS. My PALS symptoms were so progressed at this point, it took a Neuro less than 20 minutes to diagnosis it. If I had went to DR Giggle 3 yrs earlier, I may have come up with the same thing, but I didn't and really am glad I didn't. If it is ALS, eventually it will be DX, so until then try to enjoy your life. There is really no reason to worry about what you can not control. HUGS Lori
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