May I know what symptoms led you to the Dr & how you were diagnosed?

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Active member
Feb 9, 2010
I would GREATLY appreciate to know this, If you are willing to share, briefly.
I wouldn't expect anything long. I know you are all kind enough to take the time out to share..........

Symptom that led you to the Dr

How you were diagnosed

How old you are

Many Many Thx (Hugs to all)
The symptom that got me to talk to my primary care doctor was being unable to button the cuff button on my shirt. I simply could not push the button through the buttonhole with my thumb.
Slurred speech, many tests (MRI, EMG, NCV, arm and leg wrestling, blood and urine tests and just plain time - 6 months - and progression) to diagnose. Not old enough.
A slow "trigger finger" and a bit of a limp.

App 3 years to diagnosed, all the normal tests and time. (had 12 months or so of a Parkinsons diagnosed in there as well).

I am a spritely 52 years young.

My husband is 45, about 3 yrs ago he started having severe cramps in legs. Then speech problems, not being able to clear out congestion, visible fasticulations in right arm, overall weakness(not being able to even do one push-up)difficulty walking. It seemed like he had had a stroke. 20 minutes after we went to ER, the doc confirmed my feelings that he had ALS. Admitted to hospital to run tests, and we had our DX. He knew something was seriously wrong with him for about a yr before we went to emergency room. We had no insurance, so we didnt go until I realized that it was probably ALS.
I had stiffness in my legs so bad I could hardly bend, stoop get in a car or out of bed. Add 2 frozen shoulders with muscle atrophy and a cherry on top and I finally decided it was time.
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Read the rest of the threads in this forum and your questions will be answered. You could even start with the threads at the bottom of this page.

Limping/foot drop in my left foot, growing progressively worse. I was 42 when I first noticed the symptoms.
37 years old, trigger finger too and thumb a month all my fingers in that hand were slow....then the first to the is history
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