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May 28, 2009
My husband (Wayne - age 75) started out at the end of August last year with a slight speech problem. As the months progressed it became harder and harder for him to form words. Then he started having problems swallowing. By January, his speech was almost gone - he was still able to talk to family at Christmas with difficulty, but was able to pretty much eat everything the rest of us did at Christmas.

By late February his speech was completely gone. The only thing he can do now is make growly and humming noises. When he's exasperated or trying to get my attention, he growls.

While the weather was still cold (we live in SW Idaho) he only drooled when he came in from working out in the cold. Now, he drools constantly. Because he walks in such a stooped position, he drools on the table, the floor, the carpet, etc., which means mopping up the floor and cleaning spots on the rug pretty often.

He had a swallowing test Nov 5 and another one on Jan 28 because his swallowing had gotten so much worse. He now eats mostly pureed and milk shake consistency foods, although he can still swallow mac and cheese. He has an appt Thursday to see about putting in a PEG. He weighs 101.5 pounds. He has never been a big person, but now he's skin and bones. He weighed 112 # the first of January. A 10.5 pound loss for me would be no big deal, for Wayne that's a lot.

Between April 15 and May 15, he fell 5 times - blacking his right eye the first and last times he fell. Now, he uses a walker or wheelchair when we have to go in a store or for an office visit. I won't let him outside without someone with him. He's been a farmer and extremely active person all his life and is sooooooo frustrated.

He can no longer shower by himself. We have a shower chair with an extension on it for getting into and out of the tub. Less than a month ago, he could shower himself.

In late March he was still able to do tractor work. Now, he wouldn't even be able to climb up on the tractor if he tried and it's just a little Ford tractor - not one of the big monster tractors.

I talked to a hospice rep last week. If we go with hospice now - he can't get a PEG, she didn't want him to have the sleep study he had last week (he's already on CPAP), she didn't want us to see the ALS specialist in Boise next week, or go to the U of Utah in Salt Lake City later this month. So, we decided to hold off on hospice for awhile. Although the drs have told us they think he has ALS, only last week did his neurologist finally say he was calling it ALS. Before, he said he thought that's what he had.

Wayne also has Type II diabetes.

After reading this forum, I'm so scared of what is ahead of us. This is happening way too fast.

Thank you for having the patience to read all of this!

Well, take a deep breath and try not to let this get you down. I hope it really isn't ALS, but if it is, you just have to make the best of it. Make plans, learn, and do things that please him. You've probably had some good cries. Now you'll have to get even more motivated for big changes to come. Be strong and caring. We're here for you, Donna.
Very sorry about your husband's progression! I hope he will be able to get the PEG and maybe gain some weight back and perhaps feel better.

It is a struggle all around to try and stay ahead, but you never know what may happen next with ALS.

Good luck to you and your husband.

You may be needing some special equipment in the days to come i.e. modified shower, some ramps in the house, special transportation
etc. If you need it, I can help you. I have a foundation. The web site is: You can call or email me ANYTIME at the following: O/H: 949-488-9894 C: 949-233-3045 Email: [email protected] Please don't hesitate or feel uncomfortable. This is what I want to do.

Some wonderful people have volunteered to build a wheelchair ramp for Wayne. We'll pay for the material and they'll do the work. They had finished their last project and were looking for someone else to help!

I've been able to borrow a shower chair, walker, and transport wheelchair from an organization in our area that loans out needed medical equipment.

We probably will need bathroom modifications in the future. I'll keep ALS Guardian Angels in mind. Thank you so much for your offer.
possibly getting a Peg tube would give him some of his energy back. Just a thought, when you aren't getting the proper nutrition it makes everything else so difficult.
I hope you find the help you need.
In friendship
The PEG is in - his color is amazingly better. Doesn't look like a ghost like he did before the PEG.

The wheelchair ramp is almost finished. The guys are coming back next Saturday to do the railings and the cement pad at the end of the ramp.

We leave for the U of Utah Medical Ctr in Salt Lake City tomorrow. Hope we get a firm diagnosis there.

Donna in SW Idaho
That is fantastic news Donna! I knew Wayne would feel much better with his peg tube, no more ghost is really good. And congratulations on the ramp, it is nice to have energetic friends who can do stuff. I hope that you get the info in SLC. All the best.

I echo what Barry said! That is indeed fantastic news! Congratulations!

I'm happy to hear things are picking up for you guys. I hope your trip is pleasant and that a correct diagnosis comes about.

I believe there is something your husband can take for the drool. You might ask the doc if he hasn't mentioned it.
Hey, I justs read your post re: hoyer lift. I hope that works out for you. They are GREAT! My husband is taller and larger
than I. I couldn't do much at all without one. We have 2 slings. 1 has a potty hole cut out and can shower in it.
I know it's overwhelming, but when people ask if they can help, let them.
Sending you peaceful thoughts.
I was so happy to read that he got the PEG tube. My mom has had the same things. When she got her tube she was relieved . Food became her enemy. She cannot eat at all...well sometime a tiny bit of pured stuff and she always choose veges. She is not supposed to have anything. And the drooling, she takes something but she still drools some. She carries a wash cloth with her. Plan ahead. Get equipment before you ned it. It will make things so much easier and.....never say "No" to offers for help. I had to learn to say "Yes", now I never turn anything down, it surprised my family and friends. Good luck to you. This is a great site with so many helpful people. God Bless.

Hey guys hate to have to tell you but Donna's husband passed away last thurs. It's in the Memorium section.

sorry to hear about that, My mother has MND has had it for 3 years is very hard but time heals all. god bless xx
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