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New member
Sep 18, 2015
Loved one DX
Hi All,

I've just discovered this great forum and I felt it might be an idea to introduce myself.
My name is Blake, 22 years old and my mother was diagnosed with MND in September, 2014. It has been one of the most testing experiences of my life, and that is no exaggeration as many of you would know.

Not only has it been tough for me, but also for the entire family, direct and extended, friends and obviously it goes without saying it has been incredibly tough on my mum (I can't imagine). MND is one of the most unforgiving and devastating diseases, and watching it tear my mums body and mental health apart is absolutely horrible.

Witnessing someone who you relied on for support your entire life, and having roles reversed is so incredibly overwhelming and confronting. It kills me that when I'm doing it tough my mum knows she can't help me. I have three months remaining of university before I graduate, and it has been one of the most stressful times of my entire life. To the point where I just want to walk away from everything and forget about graduating (I know it sounds ridiculous right?).
I definitely won't be doing that, but the ability to cope with a fully study load and final year subjects has broken me down to nothing, I barely exercise and the diet is completely off the rails. I rarely drink alcohol which is definitely a good thing.

Anyway, if there's any others out there in a similar situation, know there are others dealing these circumstances as well, and you're not alone.

I wish you all the best during these tough times, keep going.

Thanks, Blake. And welcome.
(Looks like your post got buried.)
Welcome, Blake. I'm sure your fellow Aussies and others will chime in. All best wishes on your final term. Your mum will be so proud when you graduate university.

Laurie is so right! Concentrate on finishing your studies, knowing it is the best thing you can do for your mom. She will be so happy. Listen to all of us parents, grandparents who know! Hugs and good luck.
Gday Blake.
I'm from WA, and the Eagles are so gonna win on Saturday.

Please do finish your studies. My kids are 11 and 13. When we were going through a rough patch in August last year, my hubby and I had such a hard time getting them to school. My head wasn't in the right place at the time so they actually missed a heap of school. They did and still do need that routine in their lives.

It doesn't sound ridiculous wanting to pull out, it's just your brain telling you that things are tough. A coping mechanism I guess.

When we didn't know what was going to happen to me long term, I made my kids promise me that they wouldn't do drugs, or smoke, that they would be faithful in marriage. All that good stuff. Do I regret it? No. Not at all. As a parent, the one thing we want is for our children to be happy. To make good choices. To regret nothing...back to the good choices.

I don't want to make you any sadder than you already are, but one day when your mum is free of this terrible disease, you will be so glad that you kept your life on track, made the right choices and regretted nothing.

Take care of you Blake. Everyone is always here for support.

God Bless, Janelle x

Carn Eagles!
Hi Blake, You mum needs you to stay on track and finish school--do it for her or the guilt will make her so sad. your graduation will give her something to look forward to and be so proud of. I know how hard it is on you--I can imagine anyway. I am a mom, and I worry about my kids who are your age. I have told them when their dad dies that the best thing they can do is finish up the semester they are in and stay on track because a child's success is what any parent wants more than anything. You might consider telling your professors what is going on so at least there is understanding and some compassion for you if a project or paper is late or less than up to stuff.
Blake, let me echo what you've already read: please finish school. Not to do so would devastate your mother. It sounds like there are other caregivers in your family--please take care of yourself and finish school while they take care of your mom.

I'm so sorry for what you are experiencing. We're here if you need to vent!
Hi Blake, I am so glad you found this forum. Lots of amazing and helpful people here. Have you considered seeing the student services people and being referred for counseling? It seems in your situation it might be very beneficial. Otherwise, a priest, or someone like that might be able to help . My son has really benefitted from counseling. Best of luck and know we are always here. Steph
Blake, I know how very hard this is for you. Your mother will be so proud of you when you graduate. Just know that your mother will be living through you . A Mother's dream is to watch their children grow and accomplish the goals they have set for themselves. This will most likely be the toughest challenge of your life but you have made it this far and I have no doubt you can do whatever you set your mind on doing. You will make your mother so happy and knowing that you accomplished all of this with everything going on will make your mom so very proud. You should also be proud of yourself. Take care of yourself and live the wonderful life your mom has always dreamed of for you. As you already know any time you need support you can come here. The people here do care. Best wishes and happy thoughts go out to you.
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