Happy Camper!

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Congrats Barbie! You deserve the sleep!
Imagine actually sleeping.
Oh Barbie I'm doing the happy dance with you and the sisters!
I am so happy for you, Barbie. Ah, the joy of uninterrupted sleep!
Ah... to sleep and dream again. You are so deserving... and I can attest to how absolutely wonderful it is. My best to you...

Great news Barbie, sleep here we come.
Love Gem
Awesome Barbie - nothing quite like a restful night of sleep!
>I hired a night time caregiver today! whoot whoot! she starts tomorrow night and I am so excited!

:) great news!
YEAH! Happy sleeping!
I'm so happy for you Barbie. You so deserve this. I hope the new caregiver works at well. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Glad to hear good news. Hugs, Kim
Yes, good news. Thanks for the video. It put a smile on my face :)
Ok, 2 nights of un interrupted sleep--7 hours straight! OMG heaven on earth!

the new caregiver is so sweet and showed up both nights!
YES! So happy for ALL of you!

Barbie, what will you do when you get rested? You will feel like a new woman!
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