Travelling to Infinity - the BOOK

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Guru status reached
Apr 26, 2013
Lost a loved one
lala land
All you CALS who have seen the movie, you HAVE to read the book.

I'm listening to the audio book and it really is Jane's story.

The movie is a hyped version of Stephen's story more than hers.

I'm enjoying it immensely! Hours into the book and hardly any of it so far was in the movie ...
>All you CALS who have seen the movie, you HAVE to read the book

thanks Kat .... d/l now :)
The more I progress through the book the more disgusted I am with the movie that did not even come close to telling Jane's story, but effectively put her in the background (as usual) and some of the significant parts of the movie were nothing like the story in the book.

I can't believe Jane allowed them to make that movie, unless she hoped that anyone reading her book and seeing the movie would see the paradox for themselves and understand her life even better. The movie is in such contrast to the book it is almost a perfect example of everything she reports her life to have been in the book.

I'm going to start the book over again as soon as I finish!
I just started it and am already 'hooked' ... Thanks Tillie. Love it more than movie after only first few pages.
Needed a good read.
I would really love to read it--just haven't found the time yet!
Audio book Barbie, then you can listen when driving to and from work or something?

I'm so stunned the further into the book I get to see the disparity between the book and the movie. Jane's story will provide all CALS with so many uplifting parallels.

No matter that none of us here are dealing with internationally acclaimed pure genius, you will find Jane experienced everything the rest of us CALS do and yet for so many long years.

And the marriage breakdown is nothing like what the movie shows - no spoilers here though :)
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