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Extremely helpful member
Dec 29, 2007
Lost a loved one
There was a post in the DIHALS about spasticity and I didn't want to post there--but I have a question...

My husband has very spastic legs but not the rest of him. had all the good stuff that went along with it too--cramps, hyperreflexes, clonus. Seems like it is all lessening now as he progresses--still has it but not to the extent that it was before (clonus just as bad). Any one else experience that? does that mean that his other (lower) motor neurons are becoming more involved?

ACtually, thinking about it--don't usually hear about anyone with spastic arms--anyone face that?

I goo-gled spasticity to make sure I understand. ( I am confused by some uses of these terms). My arms do get sudden spasms, but these thankfully do not last long cuz they sure hurt! Some have brought tears to me eyes. These are caused by an ordinarily benign movement (when buckling a seat belt) and sometimes just out if the blue (when watching TV). The acute pain is momentary, but the vestiges of the spasm can and linger for days. My arms also get quite stiff when overtired or cold. I do gentle stretching every day and also use the heating pad very often.
Barbie, my husbands doctor explained it as the nerves miss-firing as the damage/deteroation of the nerve begins. with my husband it has seemed to be the warning signs of the area being affected next. the cramps, spasms, ect., end as the nerve completely stops working on the piticular muscle.
yes it has happened in his arms some, his legs are useless at this point.
have I followed your question rightly?
Elaine, my neuro said it was why my legs are so stiff all the time, which is why I walk funny. I have no idea why it causes falls, and balance loss though. I didn't ask.
Actually my husband's legs have always been incredibly spastic--first a stiff legged gait when he walked, then changed to just stiff, not bendable. He can stand, because the are stiff. he use to get terrible cramps and have such massive reflexes if I patted his leg or rubbed it too hard. he has ballerina toes--feet point and curl inward and no changing that. (amazing he can stand on those toes! with balance assistance of course) over the last year he has had a reduction in the stiffness and hyperreflexia. I know his legs hav lost alot of muscle mass so I was wondering if it is just a new LMN process starting as my understanding is spasticity is an UMN issue.

my husband's arms were the first to be majorly impacted by ALS--not really crampy or stiff other than shoulders and the arms just wasted away. he has no use of them but never had stiffness or hyper reflexes in them.

what a weird disease...
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