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Distinguished member
Nov 24, 2010
Loved one DX
Perth, Ontario
A friend of mine has a throry that ALS is caused by somthing that our family mamber with ALS was exposed to.

She has found that a lot of people with ALS were trades people or did somthing as a hobby that could be considered a trade.

I know my father beyond being exposed to god knows what as a forrest fireman was also an avid cabinet maker, reloader of amunition, targer shooter and he even smelted his own lead for bullets and shot. He also worked on small engins to an extent because it was nessesary.

Does anyone else think this theory might have merrit? or have you noticed anything that your ALS patient has in common with other ALS patients?

If we could only go back in time and keep a record of everything that we were ever exposed to in order to possibly find a link that could help future generations from not having to suffer from this senseless disease.
My wife and I are CONVINCED that ALS, is some cases, is manifested by external things. Our neuro asked us, on the day he told Tammy she had als, "have you been exposed to any harsh chemicals or toxins?" Now why would he ask this? I see you are from Perth..we are from Smiths Falls.
My dad was co-owner of a metal letter and sign company with a working foundry (foundry operational until maybe 15 years ago?). He worked there every day for 40 years. I have also read some theories about metal exposure.
Clearly, (other than familial ALS) the disease is caused by exposure to one or more toxins. How else could it be classified as a presumptive service related illness in the US military. That could be the only common thread - exposure on a flight line, training ground or vaccination. For what it is worth, that is our theory. Neither my husband or I feel like there is any malicious intent, there just needs to be more research to determine what the toxin is and why it affects some and not others.
I'm not sure there is a link. My husband is a book worm. A history major, with no exposure to chemicals, fumes, or the like. Just my opinion.
Look deeper. There are 12 guys in the Memphis area, born between 1958 - 1964, that have or died from ALS. Not all had obvious exposure to a toxin, but I do know that 7 of them played Little League baseball on the same fields (pesticides?), and I don't know what all of the other "links" are. Maybe some toxins lie dormant, some react quickly, possibly some people are more susceptible to the effects of toxins than others - who knows.
My husband worked in a foundry for 5 years.
ALS is strongly suspected to be caused by environmental factors - almost anywhere ALS is documented is states that. My husband was an aircraft mechanic in his earlier career years then moved to an office job. As a mechanic there are many toxins they are exposed to. There are so many variables with ALS. One day it will be interesting when they figure it all out. I also believe they will discover different strands within ALS.
Mine worked for a company that developed and manufactured solid fuel rocket motors. Doesn't get much more toxic than that.
Les worked in Asbestos abatement for 20 yrs. Also the last 4 yrs he worked in a PVC Pipe manufacturing plant, where he blended all the materials to make the pipe. He was also in the military, and was a marathon runner.
Whether it is the chemical itself or the cumulative stress that our systems are exposed to, I do believe that ALS is in some fashion promoted by environmental issues.

It may sound funny as a comparison, but I used to keep aquariums. Any prolonged change in temperature, PH or nitrates would manifest as disease within the fish....they became stressed and their bodies responded.

I was exposed to chemicals and other environmental stressors, but I believe that the last 10 years of my life where my career required the buck to stop with me, placed a lot of stress overload on my system.

It may be that there is no one answer, but it is like when we fall as our disease progresses. You pass that tipping point and then there is no watch the train wreck happen.
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As far as I know, my father has always worked office jobs. Although once he worked in a bread factory as a teenager...
However, it is possible that chemicals used in constructing and decorating new office buildings could be a factor. I know when I was working in an office and we moved to a brand new building, I felt so sick from the fumes!
As a teenager, my husband's first job was in a bread factory. After college, he was in charge of aircraft maintenance at two different Air Force bases. Interesting.
my PALS designed and installed sprinkler systems for fire protection in large companies... metal exposure i guess.
dont know if this is even a possibility, but for those who are saying their PALS worked office jobs or are book worms- maybe something in ink? something in old books?...
The problem is not in finding some commonalities, but in linking those in a cause and effect relationship with ALS. I wasn't in the military, never worked in any type of factory, didn't do woodworking; my college degree is in management and most of my career was in retail sales management and restaurant management. With the national ALS registry, maybe some common factors can be identified.
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