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Jun 22, 2010
Loved one DX
Dad took mom to the hospital tonight because she was having extreem breathing problems and she would not let her be suchtioned. Usually if she has phlem build up he can clear it with suction. but for all he tried she would not let him. she kept biting on the suchtion tube. so he finally in anxiety stuck a pen in her mouth so he could try to clear blockage. she has been having a lot of problems breathing because her chest muscles are very week but always is open to him clearing phlem. she complains about feeling like she is drowning. Is she giving up? She knows the next step is having a trach put in and has been unclear if she wants this. Wonder what to do, think,feel.
Hi Superkate.

I am so sorry to hear what is happening with your mom. I hope that you have some answers soon as to how she is doing and what next step she wants to take in her medical care and treatment. My thoughts are with you all.
I'm so sorry. It is difficult when she has not clearly stated what she wants. My Mom always said she did not want to be on a vent but when I was faced with an instant decision to do it or not and I saw her face saying help me.....I told them to. Neither of us have regretted it.
I am sorry to hear that your mom is in the hospital and having breathing difficulties. I hope she gets better real soon.

Take care.
Kate, boy do I know what your mom feels like about choking on phlem and feeling like she is drowning. I have had a few scary episodes where I have suctioned out big globs of goo and I don't really have any answers. I have started rinsing my mouth and throat out with a mixture of club soda and water (no scotch :() and this really helps cut through the goo and makes it much easier to suction.

I can't comment on why she wouldn't let your dad suction but I hope that she can get whatever breathing assistance is required and that includes a trache if that is what she wants.
update of Moms in the ICU

Mom has been in the ICU since sunday. she has phenemona (cant spell it) and dad is talking about having a trach put in and also getting home care help. but not sure how to work this. It is a very somber mood and very scary for us but although we all are going out of our minds mommy is still wanting to come home and hang out.

I want to thank everyone that has responded to my posts. from the bottom of my heart I know i feel more comfortable with mom and my care giver father helping and your words have given us a lot of love. thank you for your support. we work stronger because of these words.
I pray she will get to come home and be with her family.
Kate, I'm also praying for your mother... and both your Dad and you as you wait.
Thinking of you and praying that your mom will be able to come back home with you..hugs, Linda
I really hope your mum gets to come home with you i know that is where i want to be when i am where your mum is at somewhere familiar and surrounded by my family with the assistance of a nurse if necessary ... my thoughts are with you even though we dont know each other we share a bond ... god bless
Kate - I'm sorry to hear about your mom and the decisions that are having to be made. I know that my mom's doctor mentioned the vent when we were at her last ALS Clinic appt and we weren't exactly prepared for it. I hope all works out for the best concerning all. Please keep us posted on how your mom is doing.
Big news. after a very tough week mommy is having her trach put in tomarrow. she did come home from the hospital on wed but had a very rough time with breathing and mobility. I hate when she is in the hospital because she loses mobility and hope. she was sent home with oxygen which has helped her and dad got good information and has agreed finally to get some help to come in at home. I am so scared that mommy will not be strong enough to handle the trach surgery but i am thankful that she is having it. I know it will help her breathing and comfort levels. I pray that it works out great and that she is happy.

I thank you for thinking about us as much as i think about your families. I am very scared.
That is excellent news that she is getting a trache. It is minor surgery and with make her life sooo much better!
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