Fish oil helped save our son

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I am a bit confused. Are you thinking this would help in ALS as well? I did not see it mentioned in the article.
I just did a quick Google search. There's some information suggesting omega 3 supplements could reduce the risk of developing ALS, but I didn't see anything discussing the therapeutic effects for patients.
I think coconut oil has been shown to have some benefits... though it also... ahem... relieves constipation let's say.
Off to buy coconut oil....
notme, Omega 3 fatty acids, which exist in fish, olives and flax seed are thought to be neuro-healthy. Is there a science basis for the conjecture . . . or is the matter an 'old wives tail' that might be valid (as some of them are)? So far, no one has identified a study but one patient said they were using fish oil for several years prior to their ALS symptoms . . . as near as I can tell, no one knows how long before symptoms appear after ALS has started but probably many experts would not be surprised to discover the real moment of disease onset is many years before symptom onset.
LOL Notme ... somehow I don't think you're referring to the neuro-protective qualities of coconut oil in that last reply of yours. If that wasn't supposed to be humorous, I apologize. :)
nice one helen.....moronic should take it...hes full of,,,,,,,,
Johnny, I second your post as to the moronic portion!
I'd I wager the real moment ALS starts is indeed years before symptoms develop, Munon.

I'd also wager they have some idea as to some of the trigger of onset, as the govt. is allowing it for Veteran benefits.

Alas, I detest fish, so I'll be leaving the fish oil out of my diet.
notme, I think they allow the VA claims based on statistics showing some branches of the service have more than the expected number of cases, there are not very many of such cases and they would otherwise be eligible for disability (at least I think they would). Quite possibly the main difference is they are covered for riluzole . . . the only thing at this point that helps, a little. A hotel near where I do my research makes flax seed muffins . . . I am used to the 'fact' that if it is health food it tastes terrible. But not these . . . they are one of my favorites.

(un?)fortunately, fish is also one of my favorites.

ALS has left virtually all researchers grasping for combinatorics because every rational onset hypothesis one can think of has outlier sets too big to be ignored.
I think if you look around here, there are quite a few Vets with ALS, and thankfully, they help the, with lots more than their one med.

They wouldn't have approved it as service related if only a 'few' got it. Lord knows, the govt doesn't part with a dime more than it has to.
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