Immunokine... why can't we post about it?

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Active member
Aug 16, 2010
Tried a couple of times to start a thread about Immunokine WF10 and NP100 but it gets moderated and doesn't appear. Why is that? The drug is approved for use in Thailand and is being used here as part of the treatment for MS and diabetes sufferers. On another ALS forum there is a group very excited about it's possible use for ALS sufferers and a small test was proven to be effective. I know there are people with ALS willing to try a full course of Immunokine. I myself may consider it.
To bother trying it you would need a large scale trial with good results. I see it is an immune modulator and helps with inflammatory responses ( not that I have looked into too deeply). That will be why it is being looked at for MS. ALS is a different kettle of fish altogether.

Thanks for the info. I will enjoy having a dig around to find out more about it.
People that have ALS now do not have the time to wait for trials that can take years and years. As there is currently no cure we have nothing to lose in taking part in our own trials if something is looking promising. Many doctors of ALS believe macrophage modulation is exactly what is needed in ALS. The US patent on Immunokine makes very interesting reading with regard to ALS. If I give the link here the Moderator will probably delete it so if you want it PM me.
never heard of it
We don't allow advertising of any unproven treatments. Other sites might but then they might sell information about members. We don't. If people want crap, all they have to do is google, ALS miracle treatment. Lots of people want your money.

Thanks for watchin' our back AL...
I appreciate the fact that this forum does not advertise or sell our information etc. You do not need to worry about questioning the sites motives and can feel free to share and trust each other. Thanks for keeping the forum the haven that it is!
We don't all have years to wait for trials to be completed. I thought the idea of a forum was to share information. We all want the same thing at the end of the day and that is to find a cure for als. If somebody hears about something which is showing possibilities of helping us then we should be able to discuss it openly here and then it is up to the individual if they want to investigate and take it further.

There are other trials being discussed on this forum such as Ceftriaxone.
This is not a research forum, it is a support forum. If something is in a trial then we allow some discussion about it but if it is not in a trial then we don't. There are other forums that allow this but we choose to protect our members from unscrupulous people pushing hearsay.
The German doctor running the biomaxx clinic in Bangkok says he has been treating people with ALS for three years using Immunokine. Trouble is on his website there are no testimonials from happy patients which tends to set the alarm bells ringing.
Anybody other than me wonder why a German doc has to go to a highly unregulated country to open a clinic. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Anybody other than me wonder why a German doc has to go to a highly unregulated country to open a clinic. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.


  • Warm climate.
  • Currency exchange rates.
  • Income tax rates too high in Europe.
  • Prefers adult entertainment options available in Thailand to those in Europe (ala David Carradine).
  • No extradition treaty with the EU.

I don't know the particulars about the drugs you asked about, but I can tell you my experience was that I had NO benefit whatsoever from almost a year of increasingly aggressive immune modulation therapy.

In Myasthenia Gravis, synaptic transmission at motor end-plate is impaired, and it will be helped by immuno suppressants.

I read recently where the whole immune response thing is being revisited, one of the neurologists involved is Rothstein at Johns Hopkins. If there is something to it, the ALS community will hear about it. There will be no need to travel to an unregulated country. It was interesting to read about, but, from my perspective it was a complete failure helping me. Perhaps when/if they find that there are actually several causes of ALS, it may be that some variants will respond to this type of treatment.
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