other glutamate blockers?

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Active member
Oct 8, 2010
hiya all, has anyone tried any other glutamate blockers other than riluzole? i have been taking riluzole for 10 months now and continue to deteriorate, and doubled my dose to 200mg daily now for only a slightly noticeable effect [mostly a head rush initially].
however i read that most alzheimer's drugs are also glutamate blockers and wondered if anyone else has tried these?
I hate to burst your bubble but people have tried everything and nothing works.
thanks for this, but my thoughts are that if i required 1 rhinoceros testicle per day to keep going i'd open the first rhinoceros fertility clinic in australia.
I agree with you and the rhinoceros testicle. But, what drug other than Rriluzole R U talking about. I believe in anything that blocks the killer glutamite (amino acid). We will try it if it is... let me know
Good info,they want me on that drug,I look at the side effects and think no way!
just an update, 100mg riluzole twice daily seems to be keeping the twitching down in my right [good] arm and legs. legs still getting weaker though, just not twitching as much.
latest update - trying to get my neuro to prescribe ebixa [memantine] but it is not done in australia for mnd / als. it is the only glutamate blocker of the calcium channel ion in mass production on the pbs in australia - cheap at full price $133 28 caps / $33 pbs $5 pension per scrip. strong [very] evidence of prolonging life in mnd mouse models, safe to take, not enough trials on people though considered safe from sufficient medical trials. where is dr nick riviera when i need him?
Gd luck, keep us posted. I have heard about increase in twitching upon stopping Riluzole, from other pALS. Hope you are monitoring your liver function. D
Are there other glutamate blockers? Have IV's of glutathione shown to be effective?

I read a study on arginine showing the same. I'm not saying these help ALS, just that there appears to be evidence of blocking glutimate.
Man with a plan...my hubby is taking Namenda..(menantine)...is it helping ...not sure. However, he tolerates it well...and his breathing has not declined in 4 months. His lung capacity is at 30 % so we do not have allot to work with. We pay 240.00 out of pocket..will continue.
Good Luck and keep fighting!
thank you kelly & hubby, this is the sort of info and support i need. my breathing went from 80% to 40% in 2.5 months so it got me into research mode. i wish you both well and will post on updates or new findings.
a happy merry christmas to you both
here is a synopsis of the ifo sent by my neuro

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, 2010; 11: 456–460
A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of memantine for functional disability in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
1Neuroscience Department, Hospital de Santa Maria-Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Lisbon, and 2Institute of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Our objective is to describe the results of a phase II/III, 12-months, double-blinded, single-centre, randomized, parallel (1:1), clinical trial performed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of memantine in ALS. Patients with probable or definite ALS of less than 36 months disease duration and progression over a one-month lead-in period were randomly assigned to placebo or memantine at 20 mg/day. The primary endpoint was 12-months ALSFRS decline. Forced vital capacity, manual muscle testing, visual analogue scale, quality of life, motor unit number estimation and neurophysiological index were the secondary endpoints. The number of patients included was based on the assumption of a 50% change in the ALSFRS decline. Safety and adverse events were evaluated. Sixty-three patients were included in the trial. Memantine did not show more adverse events or laboratory changes than placebo. Primary and secondary outcomes were not different between groups by intention-to-treat and per-protocol analysis. The most sensitive measurements were neurophysiological, which declined linearly over time. In conclusion, the results of this study show that memantine is well tolerated and safe in ALS patients. We did not observe any evidence of efficacy for memantine but we cannot exclude a positive outcome on survival.
Man with a plan I took rilutek for a few years in the beginning but 4 me the pros didn't outweigh the cons I was afraid of liver damage, That was my reason 4 stopping the intake of rilutek,I never felt better taking it and no change when I stopped. U know it doesn't prolong life but is suppose 2 give us better quality. It all boils down 2 individual choice ,HOPE U MAKE ONE THAT BEST 4 U. GOD BLESS U !
ive heard that it does extend your life- by three months. but i may be wrong.
Liz, you are not wrong. No one here that I can remember has said that Rilutek made them feel better or gave them a better quality of life. Personally, I notice no difference when I take it compared to when I forget to take it. Is it extending my life? Who knows?
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