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OO ok thank you so much for the help. Now i have a quick question? I think im going to see my neuro for my twitches but before i go im gonna ask something? Im 22 as you have read before. I experience a few twitches in my feet they feel stiff like they could cramp but they dont, i also have wrist pain and finger stiffness. I can still do most things ive always done well jump rope leg lifts leg ups calf raises. I feel like there is something in my inner left ear as well i dunno who it is feels like muscle spasms or maybe an inner ear infection. I also get a twitch now and then in my lips and in my thumb areas and in the top of my feet near my toes. I dunno if i feel any weakness really, my hands seem to be strong still, or strong enough. I also experience some strong twitching in my left buttox. I havent experience any cramps although i feel when i use my hands for a long time i feel pain in the top of my hand. Does that resemble or sound like ALS? I also seem to have a pain in my left leg near my hip, same leg were the twitches are happening. This is driving me crazy, i am so scared to go to the nuero and him perform these tests and find something wrong with me. So i am asking does this seem like it could resemble ALS or am i jumping off the boat way way too early and assuming the worst, and thinking all the time about my symptoms are making them worse i believe.
What the heck is wrong with you? How many times do you need to be told that your symptoms, your progression, your story, etc. doesn't sound like ALS? Go to a physician and get evaluated so they can figure-out what is happening to you. In the meantime, RELAX.

I have EVERY sx that you say. It started dec.07. It started with the wrist pain and pain in my fingers and feet with ankles. I get the feeling that my foot or hand could cramp but never does. My index and thumb are stiff. I just read your posts and I can relate. BUT, I have to tell you that I have been at this for a year. I go to an als specialist, I have had emg, muscle biopsy, you name it. I still have no diagnosed, so you better be prepared that you may not get answers. You need to calm down and understand that no one can tell you if your sx sound like als or not. It is a unique journey for everyone towards a diagnosed. And you NEED to see a doc/nuero. People get sick of some one asking the same questions and freaking out but have not even taken the first steps toward any anwers. You need answers from the medical proffesional not a web site.

Take care

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