Happiness now

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JAYNE, I HAVE THAT EXPERIENCE ALL THE TIME~ JUDGING OTHERS~ but most the time it isnt what it is...then compassion flows into my heart!


[In] finding your True Self, you will have found an absolute reference point that is both utterly within you and utterly beyond you at the very same time. This grounds the soul in big and reliable truth. “My deepest me is God!” ~Richard Rhor

Every single person in this world has the power to be a part of a positive ripple effect. At this very moment YOU are capable of making an extraordinary difference in the world. Even a simple small kind deed can make a profound impact on the life of another. The most important essentials in life are free for a reason, so give away the endless supply of love in your heart, and the gracious goodness in your soul.

~~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris

It is often in the darkest
skies that we see the
brightest stars.

~~Richard Evans

~ Your Song ~

In the twinkle of an eye
In the beauty of a smile
In the innocence of the heart
and the presence of love

you will find your song.

And when you do sing it.

~~ Songbird Singing Woman

May you be at peace,
May your heart remain open.
May you awaken to the light of your own true nature.
May you be healed,
May you be a source of healing for all beings. ♥

~~Tibetan Buddhist Prayer


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Everyday and often I purposefully intend to embody my true self. The words...."both utterly in you
and utterly beyond you at the same time" are so true and helps me to be aware of not limiting my
idea of what it is and I love that!

Today, gathering items to send to NYC and so grateful to have power. Even more grateful to be
connecting with my higher self and seeing my life from there! A continued lesson of not comparing
myself to others and also non-judging of others is daily.

Thank you!

Love has come to rule and transform...
Stay awake my heart
Stay awake

Rumi... ♥

Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart.”
Zig Ziglar

So true these words let's be grateful for what we have and get out there and share the Love and kindness lifting the vibration all around us Be Happy :) Smile :) life is too short not to enjoy each and every moment of Now I Love you all with every beat of my heart Feel the Love (((((( ♥ ))))))

We are all connected to everyone and everything in the universe. Therefore, everything one does as an individual affects the whole. All thoughts, words, images, prayers, blessings, and deeds are listened to by *All that is ♥

"For Equilibrium, a Blessing:
Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore,
May the relief of laughter rinse through your soul.

As the wind loves to call things to dance,
May your gravity by lightened by grace.

Like the dignity of moonlight restoring the earth,
May your thoughts incline with reverence and respect.

As water takes whatever shape it is in,
So free may you be about who you become.

As silence smiles on the other side of what's said,
May your sense of irony bring perspective.

As time remains free of all that it frames,
May your mind stay clear of all it names.

May your prayer of listening deepen enough
to hear in the depths the laughter of god."

~~John O'Donohue,"To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings"

Love is the first ingredient in the relief of suffering.

- Padre Pio -

“Every time you soften in your heart, the softening doesn’t stop, it expands through the body, through the room and infinitely into the Universe. Trust yourself. You are a Divine Being. You know how to heal your physical body. I am reminding you of a few things: how to use your attention and intention, how to let go of the surface of the body and draw from the deep well of infinite power, drawing that into the physical form.”


[In] finding your True Self, you will have found an absolute reference point that is both utterly within you and utterly beyond you at the very same time. This grounds the soul in big and reliable truth. “My deepest me is God!” ~Richard Rhor


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'Like the sea coming home to the shore...." is how I feel reading these
soulful words. I love believing that we are truly connected to everything
and when I remember that I am already connected to love and peace...it feels
so inspiring and comforting.

I am so grateful too, because I was able to use affirmations to get back to sleep
last night~that is new and feels so empowering to me!

I am inspired today to soften my heart and flow with the day...
I see that daily, and though~out the day, this practice of changing
my thoughts to love and acceptance is going deeper into my life, so

All we need to understand my friends, is that human life was given equally to us all, not partially but in totality.

The circle of life, we are one.......

The sun was given to all. It does not shine on the few. So, just as nature is indifferent to our station or situation, we need to know that we are all equal. We need to focus on the things that are constant and not place our values on things that can be blown away with the next, great, wind. Value life in what ever house it dwells. For when it comes time that we are all stripped to bare bones before the divine and facing eternity, we will understand that the only law we were meant to follow, was to love ourselves and each other. Nothing more...nothing less.

~~Carla Jo Masterson

believe in a love that is being stored up for you
like an inheritance, and have faith that in this love
there is a strength and a blessing so large that you can
travel as far as you wish without having to step outside it.

~~ Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet


It's a wonderful world!

Celebrate all the wonders and beauty that surround you and keep that your focus. See all the good that goes on in your world, regardless to what your news and tv would have you believe, or even perhaps what you see out of your window. Close your eyes for a moment and feel love. Let that feeling well up within your heart and spread like a warm flow to your entire body, melding and melting your resistance to anything. Bathe in the light of love and know that you can always choose to be in this energy.

Surround yourself with beautiful music, set the stage and offer ceremony in all that you do for it is indeed sacred and where you are is a sacred space. Honor the sacredness of others and cherish your friendships, as these are your most honored contracts of friendship and support.

Release anything from your world that no longer fits and know that it has served you well so you are now free to move forward unencumbered by the past. You know you are supported and celebrate each step you take for it is a beautiful journey.

Affirmation: "I see beauty and goodness all around me; I celebrate each step I take."

You are dearly loved and supported, Always.

is it possible that we do know our True Self at some level? Could we all know from the beginning? Does some part of us know from the beginning? Does some part of us know—with a kind of certitude—who we really are? Is the truth hidden within us? Could human life’s central task be a matter of consciously discovering and becoming who we already are and what we somehow unconsciously know? I believe so. Life is not a matter of creating a special name for ourselves, but of uncovering the name we have always had.~~Richard Rhor


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It is so enlightening to read these words and I always see where my thoughts
have been, and where I choose to direct them. I love the idea of making everything
a sacred act and honoring the sacredness of the space I am in, the relationships...
that is really what I will focus on today! <3

I see that your area of the country got snow and we did too, I am a few hours north of
NYC. Love the beauty of the snow, and the fact that we kept power with the wind. :)
I love hearing that wind too, I think of it as cleansing and beautifully wild.

So, thank you for the wonderful inspiration to view my life scared today...love those words.
In my gratitude meditations I see how I have, in the past, taken some things, many
things for granted. I am so aware now of their blessings and that is my continued intention.
I always feel lifted here....thank you!

One SONG can spark a moment
One FLOWER can wake a dream
One TREE can start a forest
One BIRD can herald spring
One SMILE begins a friendship
One HANDCLASP lifts a soul
One STAR can guide a ship at sea
One WORD can frame the goal
One VOTE can change a nation
One SUNBEAM lights a room
One CANDLE wipes out darkness
One LAUGH will conquer gloom
One STEP must start each journey
One WORD must start a prayer
One HOPE will raise our spirits
One TOUCH can show you care
One VOICE can speak with wisdom
One HEART can know what is true
One LIFE can make a difference
You see, it is up to YOU!

Love Brother S ♥

When I am silent,
I fall into the place
where everything is music.

~~ Rumi

I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us, so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting.

~~Barack Obama

“Where there is love there is life.”
Mahatma Gandhi

"Unity consciousness is about doing what is RIGHT and GOOD for EVERYONE."
It is a win-win scenario that is in fact a very real possibility. It is about being in integrity with who you really are and those you meet. It is the overlighting project of the earth experience, remembering who and what you really are and that you are connected to and a part of each other. The threads of spirit all weave together and you are only as strong as your weakest thread. When you nurture and support each other, you are making that thread stronger and reinforcing it with love.

There are so many amazing things for you to discover on your path. Take care of the one, for that represents the all. Take care of each other for you are each a part of each other and therefore "HOW YOU TREAT OTHERS IS ALSO HOW YOU TREAT YOURSELF."
Look within at the parts of yourself you do not completely love or accept and by doing so, you will discover that with transformation of your thoughts you will transform those around you and that is how you change your world.

Affirmation: "I am one with all that is.


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I really love our dialogue Sequoia, it is such a treasure for me!

I did remember yesterday that where I was, what I was doing was sacred, and it changed
my energy noticeably! I was actually home with a cold, but so much more present and
honoring of myself and my family. This will be my north~star~thought again today.

The poems really touches me too: "One star can guide a ship at sea..." and also reading Rumi...such
poetry! Reading these words is like "falling into a place where everything is music" for me.

I had a dream about angels last night and even was able to get back to sleep using affirmations again,
I am so grateful for that. God bless you dear friend...sending waves of gratitude to you.....
Patience is the companion of wisdom. --St. Augustine

Why Patience Pays Off
--by Viral Mehta, Original Story, Jul 25, 2011

As a kid, patience was not my thing. In fifth grade, when Mr. Gardner asked a question, my hand would often shoot up in enthusiasm. After giving me a few opportunities, he would try to give other students a chance. My hand, though, would remain in the air, and after some time, I'd impatiently start waving it around; at some point, that move got dubbed, "The Viral." Then, there was the time I enrolled in drumming classes. I was excited to jam, but all we were allowed to do in the first class was practice one beat over and over again. I never went back.
I would've done terribly in the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment. In this classic study, researchers gave children a choice between one marshmallow right away, or two later. The results showed that those who could wait 15 minutes ended up scoring 210 points higher on the SAT. Break down the word patience and it actually traces back to the Latin "pati," which means "to suffer, endure." This is the popular interpretation, and one that leaves us in awe of stories like that of the frail, landless Indian farmer who painstakingly moved a mountain.

This man chiseled away solo for 22 years, until he finally created a 1 km long, 16-ft-wide, passage connecting his village to vital resources like hospitals. So clearly, delaying gratification or bearing up under pain have their benefits. But a deeper exploration of patience goes beyond risk and reward. Cultivating patience keeps us from being stuck to preconceived notions, and helps us let go of our fixation on outcomes. We come to accept that we don't always or immediately know what is best, and learn to recognize that our reality is in constant flux. Patience elevates our understanding of deeper truths and helps us transcend our limited views. And therein lies its virtue.

Consider this powerful quote by Lao Tzu: "Do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles, and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving until the right action arises by itself?" We might think of "waiting" as taking time, but it's actually less about clock time and more about inner space. Of course, there are moments when our immediate gut-level response to a situation is a flash of intuition that can be trusted, moments when it's crystal clear what needs to be done. But at other times, an experience stirs up some of that inner mud, and at those times, patience engages us in the process of becoming still. An unclear mind, one in which right action isn't obvious, isn't a "bad" thing. Wisdom, after all, develops at the edges of our understanding. Our fundamental questions can frustrate us, or create a positive sense of wonder and possibility. The challenge is to develop enough stillness to allow the questions to pose themselves without judgment. This is where patience comes in. Needing answers isn't the point -- patience is in finding value in the questions, in and of themselves. The root word for question, after all, is "quest," and so this spirit of adventure is embedded within true questioning.

That's not to say that answers aren't important. They do come, but often not the ones we'd expect, and often ones that open up to even deeper questions. In this way, those moments of fuzziness, when dealt with patiently, become opportunities to turn our boundaries into edges of exploration. When we think we know, we expect to find a solution in the direction in which we are looking; when we don't know where to look, we remain open to all directions. But remaining open and "unmoving," as Lao Tzu suggests, isn't about being passive or lacking conviction. There's lots of committed activity happening beneath the surface -- it takes great effort and discipline to remain alert to what's happening within. This sharp alertness awakens us to the power of the subtle: the mental seeds we sow become the roots of our skillful words and actions. And it is patience which creates that inner space. First, the mud -- our unexamined reactions and habituated patterns of interpretation -- rises to the surface, but then eventually it settles. Our view clears. We find that those initial, rigid interpretations relax and a multiplicity of perspectives emerge. We start to see in a way that is more real, more whole, more true, and we become more free to consciously choose our actions.

Through it all, the journey of patience is rooted in knowing that our current reality inevitably gives way to change. But change won't always happen when we think it should, and patience with ourselves comes from accepting that there are things we can control and things we can't. And though we must make diligent efforts to keep pushing the boundaries of our awareness and to deepen our ability to rest comfortably in the present moment, how fast we develop isn't up to us. That same fifth grader who couldn't wait to blurt out answers, now sees the value of meeting questions with a heart of patience. Patience, then, is a kind withholding of judgment and of conclusion, a valiant invitation for our evolution to unfold just as it needs to.

This article was printed with permission. More from the author: Viral Mehta

Let the fruit of your spirit be love, peace, joy, kindness, gentleness, patience and mastery of self. It is these characteristics that help you grow and flourish. One does not need to be loud and obvious, one gets further with the gentleness of the heart, spreading your light all around you. Sometimes a bit of discipline is necessary on behalf of the aspirant to achieve the desired level of mastery, however do not give up, keep going as you will get there. Know, trust, and make that your truth.~ Sharon Taphorn

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.

- Henry Van Dyke -

The love that flows through your heart purifies not only your own spirit, but; the love you share with others.

~~Caroline Myss

Embrace the Unknown,
You will not lose yourself in it.

Be willing to not know who you are.
Then, you will find yourself for the first time.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious."
~Albert Einstein

Affirmation: "I am at peace with my world; I am in the flow with the rhythm of my life."


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I am loving how much insight I get from the readings, and I realize that I
am getting them at a deeper level. The message about the process of patience
as not reacting to old patterns and "mud" and letting the true inner wisdom
emerge is so clearly and insightfully expressed. This helps me tremendously!

And being willing to "know how we are" and finding our true selves~this is
a sacred journey. Yesterday again, I remembered to see my life as sacred,
and again, such a shift it created~away from the old patterns.

I have also noticed that when I am present, and offering my actions as an
expression of love and the sacred, that I am so much more aware of my
inner voice and wisdom...it flows. I need that today, I could easily feel
over~whelmed and yet I see that I have the choice not to be.

I so love the affirmation you wrote...it flows so beautifully!

Every child begins the world again.

- Henry David Thoreau -

"Surrender to your moments, they awaken your gifts and are beyond the spoken word."~UNKNOWN

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures."
~Thornton Wilder

"Blessed are those who walk in simplicity with feet that respect the sacred ground upon which they walk. For their feet shall know God, and their hearts shall touch all around them."

n my own struggles and in my own darkness, I have found bits of gold that have changed me. One of those bits is the realization that we're all connected, we all matter and that we're not alone. There's a whole world of people out here who care and understand. If you're in your own darkness, I'd like to offer that to you. Sometimes it can feel so black, like there's no light anywhere. I believe tho, that there is light, even when you can't see it, that the people out here who care and understand are holding candles for you and that candlelight is what you have to reach to and hold on to sometimes just to make it thru. I would like to offer a candle here. I would like to remind you that you matter and that your journey now will take you to your own gold nuggets if you let it. Honor yourself as you travel, and be gentle with yourself.

~~Terri St. Cloud

He who knows his soul knows this truth:
" I am beyond everything finite; I I now see that the Spirit, alone in a space with Its ever-new joy, has expressed Itself as the vast body of nature.
I am the stars,
I am the waves,
I am the Life of all,

I am the laughter within all hearts,
I am the smile on the faces of the flowers and in each soul.
I am the Wisdom and Power that sustain all creation. "

~~paramhansa yogananda


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I am truly grateful. Again yesterday, I stopped (many times) and re~aligned my thoughts with
being present and seeing my life as an expression of love. Again, I see the change
in what would have been a hectic and worried state, to a more trusting and honoring sacredness.

Also again, I was able to get back to sleep using positive affirmations and feeling their comfort. As
so beautifully said, surrendering and being present to my moments awakens gifts...so true. I keep
returning to self~acceptance and love.

Today, much is before me, and I see that most of it are my thoughts that I am projecting. So, I will
take those wise words with me and be "conscious of my treasures" and of the gifts and blessings, and
flow with my day, not resisting but flowing....

Thank you for your light!
How to Transform Negative Emotions
--by Viral Mehta, Original Story, Sep 19, 2011

It was a cold night in a wooded area, extremely dark, with no moon in the sky. I must've strayed off of the path at some point. I shuffled my feet around, trying to feel for the smoothness of the trail. But there was just wet grass. The moment I realized I was lost, there was an immediate surge of fear. In situations like these, where we suddenly experience an intense emotion, we often find ourselves facing a storm of "what-if" scenarios: "What if I don't find the trail? What if I can't find my way back? What if I have to be outside in the freezing cold all night?"

Before we know it, we are feeding these negative thoughts, which in turn strengthens the emotional response, and the vicious cycle intensifies. The problem isn't in the thoughts themselves, or even in the emotion. The word emotion comes from the Latinemovere, meaning to "move through or out." So in its original form, there isn't any trace of clinging to, or rejecting, these movements. But instead of allowing emotions to move through and out of us, we often feed them with negative thoughts and end up giving them long-term residence. In short order, the guests take over the house, leaving us reeling and unable to truly be in control.

So how do we turn this unhelpful pattern around? The key to any pattern is repetition. But in the case of such reactivity, this repetition is actually happening below the radar of our conscious mind. By the time a situation escalates to the point of emotion, we often find ourselves overpowered. The challenge, then, comes in sharpening our awareness so that we become sensitive to smaller versions of these same emotions.
Luckily, such micro-emotions bubble up in everyday experiences. Take an unrelated example. Say someone makes a snide remark in a meeting at work, and though it isn't a direct attack, I find myself a bit bothered. Just by having become conscious of that feeling arising, I put myself in the position to then see how it has started influencing me. What I'm thinking about is different, I'm no longer as attentive to the actual meeting and I'm feeling a bit resistant to other things that person is saying. All because of one small comment.

By consciously taking our attention to subtler levels of everyday experiences, we start to fine tune our awareness. We become increasingly awake to what's happening inside: perceptions, thoughts, feelings and sensations are constantly arising and passing. Luckily, this kind of attention is like a muscle: it gets stronger with use. The more we focus in this way, the more we start to see, but the real benefit isn't in just having more information.

The true value actually lies in understanding all the connections between these multiple aspects of our reality. We see that our interpretation affects how we feel and that, in turn, affects what we think, say and do. We start seeing the small ways in which we're "off," and more importantly, we experience their immediate effects. This becomes the basis for a powerful feedback loop and shows us where we have choice.

Initially, this choice won't shift things completely. But as we start to actually make more micro-decisions the momentum turns, and those everyday moments help in breaking our unconscious patterns. Perhaps before, that snide remark might've led to spending the next 10 minutes on coming up with a smart rejoinder. Then, it's down to two minutes before I realize what's happening. Soon, we find that our emotional reactivity has decreased, and we are catching things before they build up. Eventually, instead of getting lodged, these mini emotions flow right through us. As a result, we buy back our own time, as well as the space to re-engage with what's actually happening.

It might seem the antagonism that arises in meetings has nothing to do with the fear that arises when we're lost. But they actually share the same fundamental building blocks: a lack of deeper awareness, and therefore, an inability to make choices in how we respond. In the words of Victor Frankl, the great psychiatrist who survived the horrors of concentration camp: "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms -- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances"

No one can take away that freedom, but no one can give it to us either -- we have to practice it. We can make every situation a gateway to shift our patterns, knowing that the effects of this change ripple beyond just that moment. Then, as we find ourselves facing a tricky situation, we recognize that experience as a series of smaller, consecutive moments, each with its own choice. When these choices become more and more conscious, the cycle of negativity never gets a chance to kick in and intense emotions don't get a chance to set up shop.

On that cold night, soon after I'd gotten lost, I experienced how this process played out. Though I have far from perfected the art, in that moment, the fear came and didn't find a lasting foothold. I soon found my way back onto the trail and also stumbled onto this little truth along the way: choice is the practice and its own reward.


The key to happiness and peace.....

Fear less, hope more; talk less, say more; Hate less, love more; and all good things are yours.

~~Swedish Proverb

++The Joy that you Give to others is the Joy that Comes Back to You.

~~John Greenleaf Whittie++

++I have never met a person whose greatest need was anything other than real, unconditional love. You can find it in a simple act of kindness toward someone who needs help. There is no mistaking love…it is the common fiber of life, the flame that heats our soul, energizes our spirit and supplies passion to our lives.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


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