Happiness now

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So many wise writers, I love reading all of them. Terri St. Cloud is one
I hadn't known, and now love reading....love the expanding connections
to deep writers of truth!

I had a very moving visit with my dear friend yesterday. Thinking how we
are all connected, how meeting her was meant to be, how we enrich each
others' lives. It is so healing to have so much in common, especially
spiritually, we both just love to talk about God, meditation, affirmations,
guidance and our expanding awareness.

Again, saw Venus in the morning sky and smiled at the symbolic message!
Thank you!

When you touch
someone’s heart,
they will never quite
be the same again.
Part of your life will
live in them, always.

~~Doe Zantamata

"The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them."

- Thomas Merton

To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease, and lightness. This state is then no longer dependent upon things being in a certain way, good or bad. It seems almost paradoxical, yet when your inner dependency on form is gone, the general conditions of your life, the outer forms, tend to improve greatly. Things, people, or conditions that you thought you needed for your happiness now come to you with no struggle or effort on your part, and you are free to enjoy and appreciate them. Life flows with ease."

- Eckhart Tolle



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I love the picture of the waterfall and tree, so powerfully being themselves!

Also, the words of E. Tolle are profound. I have been practicing more acceptance
by looking at my thoughts about events and people~realizing that my thoughts
about them are so often the cause of discomfort more than anything else. This
has been enormously freeing. I love how he talks of freeing oneself from
being dependent on others (being a certain way) for happiness.

I am deeply grateful today for the growing awareness of looking within, choosing
my thoughts, and trusting in God's plan. Thank you for posting
these words, they inspire me so much and always seem to be just what I need
to read. God bless!
CARO, I NEED THESE WORDS TOO TO START MY DAY.... another wonderful day given to us to share the Love :) Time is like the ocean ......... You can't touch the same water twice because the flow that has passed ............will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life in this Now and have a Beautiful day filled with Blessings & Love I Love you all with every beat of my heart (((((( ♥ ))))))

When the eagle remembers, the sparrows will hush, it is when he dares to unfold his mighty wings that the winds of Spirit will lift him free. ~Peter O. Erbe

He who has achieved success has worked well, laughed often and loved much."
--Elbert Hubbard

The main thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live.~~Auguste Rodin

I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive. -- Joseph Campbell

Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.

~~C.S. Lewis

When you say "yes" to the "isness" of life, when you accept this moment as it is.... you can feel a sense of spaciousness within you that is deeply peaceful."
(Stillness Speaks)

When you touch
someone’s heart,
they will never quite
be the same again.
Part of your life will
live in them, always.

~~Doe Zantamata


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Manual for Climbing Mountains

--by Paulo Coelho, Original Story, Dec 20, 2011

A] Choose the mountain you want to climb: don’t pay attention to what other people say, such as “that one’s more beautiful” or “this one’s easier”. You’ll be spending lots of energy and enthusiasm to reach your objective, so you’re the only one responsible and you should be sure of what you’re doing.

B] Know how to get close to it: mountains are often seen from far off – beautiful, interesting, full of challenges. But what happens when we try to draw closer? Roads run all around them, flowers grow between you and your objective, what seemed so clear on the map is tough in real life. So try all the paths and all the tracks until eventually one day you’re standing in front of the top that you yearn to reach.

C] Learn from someone who has already been up there: no matter how unique you feel, there is always someone who has had the same dream before you and ended up leaving marks that can make your journey easier; places to hang the rope, trails, broken branches to make the walking easier. The climb is yours, so is the responsibility, but don’t forget that the experience of others can help a lot.

D] When seen up close, dangers are controllable: when you begin to climb the mountain of your dreams, pay attention to the surroundings. There are cliffs, of course. There are almost imperceptible cracks in the mountain rock. There are stones so polished by storms that they have become as slippery as ice. But if you know where you are placing each footstep, you will notice the traps and how to get around them.

E] The landscape changes, so enjoy it: of course, you have to have an objective in mind – to reach the top. But as you are going up, more things can be seen, and it’s no bother to stop now and again and enjoy the panorama around you. At every meter conquered, you can see a little further, so use this to discover things that you still had not noticed.

F] Respect your body: you can only climb a mountain if you give your body the attention it deserves. You have all the time that life grants you, as long as you walk without demanding what can’t be granted. If you go too fast you will grow tired and give up half way there. If you go too slow, night will fall and you will be lost. Enjoy the scenery, take delight in the cool spring water and the fruit that nature generously offers you, but keep on walking.

G] Respect your soul: don’t keep repeating “I’m going to make it”. Your soul already knows that, what it needs is to use the long journey to be able to grow, stretch along the horizon, touch the sky. An obsession does not help you at all to reach your objective, and even ends up taking the pleasure out of the climb. But pay attention: also, don’t keep saying “it’s harder than I thought”, because that will make you lose your inner strength.

H] Be prepared to climb one kilometer more: the way up to the top of the mountain is always longer than you think. Don’t fool yourself, the moment will arrive when what seemed so near is still very far. But since you were prepared to go beyond, this is not really a problem.

I] Be happy when you reach the top: cry, clap your hands, shout to the four winds that you did it, let the wind – the wind is always blowing up there – purify your mind, refresh your tired and sweaty feet, open your eyes, clean the dust from your heart. It feels so good, what was just a dream before, a distant vision, is now part of your life, you did it!

J] Make a promise: now that you have discovered a force that you were not even aware of, tell yourself that from now on you will use this force for the rest of your days. Preferably, also promise to discover another mountain, and set off on another adventure.

L] Tell your story: yes, tell your story! Give your example. Tell everyone that it’s possible, and other people will then have the courage to face their own mountains.


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Dear Sequoia, my wonderful Soul~friend, love you with all my heart!

I am so inspired by the "Manuel for Climbing Mountains" and the wisdom;
you truly are one of the leaders to follow, in so many ways!

I love how he says that your souls already knows what you need and to
stay present in the journey, not telling yourself that it is too hard. When
I first started being aware of staying in the moment, I became so aware
of how often I wasn't that I became discouraged, but...one day, one moment
at a time, I do see that I am a bit higher than I was and I am really grateful
for that!

I love starting my day here, and think of you so often. May the Cascades and
trees shine their blessings and wisdom on you, right through your window :)
Much much love, Jayne

"The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them."

- Thomas Merton

To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease, and lightness. This state is then no longer dependent upon things being in a certain way, good or bad. It seems almost paradoxical, yet when your inner dependency on form is gone, the general conditions of your life, the outer forms, tend to improve greatly. Things, people, or conditions that you thought you needed for your happiness now come to you with no struggle or effort on your part, and you are free to enjoy and appreciate them. Life flows with ease."

- Eckhart Tolle

On this day of your life, friend , I believe God wants you to know...
...that you are making a difference, whether you know it

or not. So have no doubt about that.

You did it again yesterday. The way you touched

someone's life just yesterday made a difference. And

you are always doing that, do you know that?

Yes, yes...your smile, your encouraging word, your

willingness to just be "present" with another, has

touched people in more ways than you realize.

I only tell you this today so that you never lose faith.

Faith in how life is moving through you -- and how

you are moving through life.

Neale Donald Walsch


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Several friends stopped by this week to visit. Last night N&V brought Tai take out for dinner. Today after my nap we went for a drive to see beautiful leaves. We went to Mass and made it home before the rain started again. I love to sit in our sun room and watch the trees añd tilt my chair to see clouds drift by. I listen to rain tap on the windows. Soon I will see snow float down. Just now a flock crows is flying by. i am blessed!

But what if we just let it be here? What if we let ourselves sob when we feel like sobbing, what if we stopped saying we're fine when really we feel like we're breaking? What if we could see our pain as a messenger that has something very important to say? What if we could see our pain as a gift that is trying to nudge us more awake, that is trying to burn away the old? What if we allowed others in rather than pushed them away? What if we stopped caring so much about what "they" think and decided to simply tell our truth? What if the pain/discomfort/broken-openness is part of the sweetness that lets the light in and out?

I'm continuously amazed by the effort we humans go through to try to hide our humanness. I mean, isn't the secret out that we all feel pain, that we all struggle, that we all question our worth--that, at times, we have no idea what the hell we're doing? And aren't we doing ourselves and each other a great disservice by trying to hide/hold in/sugar coat these truths?

~~Julia Fehrenbacher


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I love the freedom of being real. I was just sharing with a friend yesterday
about some feelings that I needed help with. It was so freeing to talk and not
try to deny the feelings, but to illuminate why it is there, what it is teaching me.
I am truly grateful for that and I loved reading Julia's very wise words.

I am finding that shining a light of self-love on my feelings does changes them.
I love doing meditations where I send love to hurt parts or myself and others...
I always feel elevated. A perfect reading for me today and I already feel lighter.

There is so much beauty when I am in the moment and present: Venus shining
though my window, the leaves, the wind, the sunrise. God bless and deep gratitude
for the light shining through this thread!

One tree can start a forest,
One smile can begin a friendship,
One hand can lift a soul,
One word can frame the goal,
One candle can wipe out darkness,
One laugh can conquer gloom,
One hope can raise our spirits,

Like the elephant, we are unconscious of our own strength.
When it comes to understanding the power we have to
make a difference in our own lives, we might as well be asleep.
If you want to make your dreams come true, wake up.
Wake up to your own strength.
Wake up to the role you play in your own destiny.
Wake up to the power you have to choose what you think, do, and say."

~~Keith Ellis, Bootstraps

A Sign is coming your Way... By Sannanda ❤❤❤

For a moment... the stillness in you... opens you to receive... Suddenly energy flows in... becoming pictures... becoming feelings... A sign... a touch of what is to come has arrived within you...

Signs are always there... and yes... when strong signs... comes your way... it is such a good thing taking time to meditate on it... clarity will come to me...

Important thing with signs are that they come to you like a wave of energy... and what it predicts may have happen already... or will happen... or will not happen... What we do with them are of greatest importance... Realize that you are the determiner of your own reality... act with love... and stay away from fearful interpretations...

By feeling energy... you can also change the wave of it... by bringing prayers of love... of beauty... of the highest outcome... for the divine to come in and support everyone to connect to their higher selves... a new outcome... and a new creation will come forth by your prayers...

Receiving it now... gives you a window to bring in a new direction... Enter into your heart... give silence to your self... connect to the divine... with love in your heart... ask for assistance... from the divine source... to act on the highest good for every one... send prayers from your heart... feel the emotion of love... let your prayers be about a new wonderful outcome of your interactions with all involved...

Trust in your creation of beauty... trust in the divine... trust that all will unfold in accordance with your prayers...

And now... if you so like... act on your prayers... take action to bring beauty to yourself... your relations... let them know you love them... send flowers... a letter... of beauty... of love... The action in itself... vibrates beauty... creating beauty...

You are a creator... what you nourish with your love will for sure become your reflection... be conscious about your actions... and what you choose to nourish within you with your precious energy... your choice to generate love will now unfold more and more into your reality...

Thank you dear One for reaching in... reaching out to be a the creator of it all...
— with Birgith Fernqvist, Sunflowerlove Beinert, Phoenix Rising


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I love these words and I feel their energy. "...what you nourish with love will for sure
become your reflection..." Incredibly powerful words. This has been my deep practice
especially lately, looking within and loving myself as the answer. Part of this is to be
so aware of my thoughts, shifting them to love and trust and beauty and gratitude.

I do purposely stop and do affirmations throughout my day and I do feel the shift in
energy. Reading these powerfully wise words, offering love to others and myself,
trusting in God, being present...all energy gifts to myself.

I am so grateful to be conscience of becoming awake. God bless you my friend, much
love and deep appreciation!
I love writing the things I am grateful for, it makes it more real to me
and magnifies my awareness of it!

I am grateful for quality time spent with my daughter and the quality of
presence that I am able to give her. Choosing my responses and my
thoughts is my intention everyday.

Grateful today for some beautiful relationships, including my trust in God.
Thank you with all my heart!

The Science of Compassion
--by James R. Doty, MD, Original Story, Oct 23, 2012
Why, in a country that consumes 25% of the world's resources (the U.S.), is there an epidemic of loneliness, depression, and anxiety? Why do so many in the West who have all of their basic needs met still feel impoverished? While some politicians might answer, "It's the economy, stupid," Based on scientific evidence, a better answer is, "It's the lack compassion, stupid."

I recently attended the Templeton Prize ceremony at St. Paul's Cathedral in London and have been reflecting on the words of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in conversation with Arianna Huffington: "If we say, oh, the practice of compassion is something holy, nobody will listen. If we say, warm-heartedness really reduces your blood pressure, your anxiety, your stress and improves your health, then people pay attention." As director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University (one of the two organizations recognized in the Templeton Prize press release), I would agree with the Dalai Lama.
What exactly is compassion? Compassion is the recognition of another's suffering and a desire to alleviate that suffering. Often brushed off as a hippy dippy religious term irrelevant in modern society, rigorous empirical data supports the view of all major world religions: compassion is good.

Our poverty in the West is not that of the wallet but rather that of social connectedness. In this modern world where oftentimes both parents work, we are spending less time as a family. People are living farther away from extended families and perhaps more disconnected than ever before as suggested by Robert Putnam in Bowling Alone. Putman observes that we thrive under conditions of social connection but that trust and levels of community engagement are on the decline. Loneliness is on the rise and is one of the leading reasons people seek counseling.

One particularly telling survey showed that 25% of Americans have no one that they feel close enough with to share a problem. That means that one in four people that you meet has no one to talk to and it is affecting their health. Steve Cole from UCLA, a social neuro-genetics scientist, has shown that loneliness leads to a less healthy immune stress profile at the level of the gene -- their gene expression makes them more vulnerable to inflammatory processes which have been shown to have negative effects on health. Research by expert well-being psychologists Ed Diener and Martin Seligman indicates that social connectedness is a predictor of longer life, faster recovery from disease, higher levels of happiness and well-being, and a greater sense of purpose and meaning. One large-scale study showed that lack of social connectedness predicts vulnerability to disease and death above and beyond traditional risk factors such as smoking, blood pressure, obesity and lack of physical activity.

While many pay attention to their diet and go to the gym regularly to improve their health, they don't think of social connectedness this way. Just like physical fitness, compassion can be cultivated and maintained. Chuck Raison and colleagues at Emory University have demonstrated that a regular compassion meditation practice reduces negative neuroendocrine, inflammatory and behavioral responses to psychosocial stress. Exercising compassion not only strengthens one's compassion but brings countless benefits to oneself and others. In fact, Jonathan Haidt at the University of Virginia and others have shown that, not only are we the recipient of compassion's benefits but others are inspired when they see compassionate actions and in turn become more likely to help others in a positive feedback loop.

As human beings, we will inevitably encounter suffering at some point in our lives. However, we also have evolved very specific social mechanisms to relieve that pain: altruism and compassion. It is not just receiving compassion that relieves our pain. Stephanie Brown, professor at SUNY Stony Brook University and the University of Michigan, has shown that the act of experiencing compassion and helping others actually leads to tremendous mental and physical well-being for us as well. While survival of the fittest may lead to short-term gain, research clearly shows it is survival of the kindest that leads to the long-term survival of a species. It is our ability to stand together as a group, to support each other, to help each other, to communicate for mutual understanding, and to cooperate, that has taken our species this far. Compassion is an instinct. Recent research shows that even animals such as rats and monkeys will go through tremendous effort and cost to help out another of its species who is suffering. We human beings are even more instinctually compassionate; our brains are wired for compassion


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When everything else is gone, Love will remain."

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.~~Albert Einstein

Have compassion for everyone you meet, even if they don't want it. What appears bad manners, an ill temper or cynicism is always a sign of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen. You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone.

- Miller Williams -

One day, through my prayers, an overwhelming amount of love started flowing into me... I suddenly realized that what I was feeling was the love of the Earth, the love of Creation. Every day we, as a species, do so much to destroy Creation's ability to give us life. But that Creation continues to do everything in its power to give us life anyway. And that's true love.

~~Julia Butterfly Hill

Find a seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower.

- Shigenori Kameoka


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