Trying to Adjust


This is the first time I've joined any type of forum and from what I've read i feel this is a good place to start to get help to the zillions of questions i have about this new life and maybe my journey will help someone else cope.

I'm a 45 year old woman diagnosis with ALS in January of this year. My symptoms started a year before my diagnosis,almost to the day. i started  walking with a  limp a very  painful one at that. I hate to admit i was embarrassed and very self conscious about it. I was working full time for a finance company and  every day on my lunch hour i would go the gym but  that my stamina wasn't what it used to be, I noticed i started to scale back on my work outs instead of going to full body work out classes i would ride the elliptical, to the recumbent bike(site down bike). Then in a very short time i stopped bringing my gym bag out the house because i noticed  my body wasn't able to handle any sort of work out. 

I then decided to see a neurologist whom told me i have diabetic neuropathy and my symptoms would get worse and i should get used to it. I saw about 3 other neurologist and was given an MRI that showed bulging disc in my back and if i get the surgery i would walk out of the hospital good a new. I okayed the surgery and needless to say the surgery didn't t fix my symptoms.

Finally i was directed to Dr Patters(ALS) doctor that gave me and my family the worse news I've ever received.

A year ago i was walking with a limp and cane and on Monday of this week my electric wheelchair was delivered.(blessing) This week was the first time in over 6 months was i able to make my own morning tea, and bring my boyfriend his coffee.

I've lost almost all ability to walk, i do not have any balance to stand on my own and now i feel the weakness in my right arm, its hard to grip things and write. Through all of this i have noticed that i appreciate small  things and the loves ones i have around  me seems to have a better out look on life. We appreciate everything now.

Thanks for allowing me to vent.

Be well everyone.




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