February 7, 2008

There was a huge difference between the way I feel today and the way I felt yesterday and Tuesday. My equilibrium seems off, kind of like being on a ship that is listing, but I'm not really dizzy. Sometimes when I move quickly or stand up there is a dull throbbing but I wouldn't even consider it pain. It seems like the blood patch has worked, but I will be sure and take it easy through the weekend like I was instructed at the hospital. I am able to sit up in the car on the way home and I am able to sit at the table for both breakfast and lunch. We get into Tulsa at 3 P.M. I pick my daughter up from school and my boys from their dad. The evening feels almost normal, except for the occasional woozy feeling when I stand up. It's good to be home. It makes it seem like nothing has changed, even though I feel that life may never be the same.

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