Mike27's Vtamin Regimen

Blog, blog, blog , blog, a wonderful blooog, a wonderful blog! (Sung to the tune of 'Spam' by Monty Python) A few folks have asked what I take for vitamins as recommended by my neuro. (One of them...) So here's a re-print from my other blog: I was diagnosed in 1993. It was recommended to me to take MASSIVE amounts of anti-oxidant vitamins. The neurologist that suggested this approach said that this was the best approach as there was a “school of thought” that ALS was caused by the motor neurons being destroyed by free radicals. Free Radical Damage to Motor NeuronsReactive oxygen species (ROS), or free radicals, are generated as a result of metabolic processes. These free radicals have at least one unpaired electron, which renders them chemically unstable and highly reactive with other molecules in the body. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is located near the inner mitochondrial membrane, and lacks advanced DNA repair mechanisms, making mtDNA particularly susceptible to damage from ROS. Cells respond to oxidative damage by neutralizing free radicals through antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. Eventually, damage accumulates due to the inability of cells to repair damage as quickly as it arises. Article Link: http://www.als.ca/if_you_have_als/als_introduction_diagnosis.aspx Now, the vitamins I was told to take were: Vitamin C-3000 mg; vitamin E-1600 IU; and beta carotene-50,000 IU. These are daily doses spread all through the day, not all at once! As I read and researched, my regimen took on a few more vitamins. There are many anti-oxidants on the market, so you must do your homework. I’ve since added: 1 daily low dose aspirin; triple fish oil-3000 mg; flax oil-3000 mg; vitamin B complex; Co enzyme Q10-300 mg; and vitamin B12-3000 mcg (sublingual). I know this seems like a lot of pills to take every day, but you get used to it! Remember before you try any therapy that’s off the beaten path, remember this advice: NHP (Natural Health Product) Checklist: To make decisions about using an NHP, use these questions as guides for you and your doctor: • What is the health claim being made as a result of product use? • What is the cost? • Could the product be harmful in any way? • Will it interfere with anything else I need to take to manage my ALS symptoms? • Does the product label bear a DIN, NPN, or DINHM? • Does my ALS doctor know of any other patients who have taken it? It’s important to be self reliant when it comes to our health and ALS. You must become an expert in your disease. Like the realtor’s code says: location, location, location! We must do the same: research, research, research! Good luck!

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