Stacked breathing, also known as breath stacking

Stacked breathing, also known as breath stacking, is a specialized type of exercise that typically caters to people who have respiratory difficulties, but also benefits athletes and virtually anyone looking to improve their lung capacity and breath control during exercise. Practiced regularly, breath stacking produces numerous benefits for athletes. Technique To perform stacked breathing exercises, simply sit on the edge of a chair or bed, keeping your back straight and shoulders relaxed. Take a small breath, focusing on filling the base of your lungs, and hold for a second. Without exhaling, take in a larger breath and hold for one more second. Finally, take a big breath that fills your lungs as much as possible and hold for three to 10 seconds. Purse your lips and exhale slowly. In Your Regimen For improved breathing during your workout, perform stacked breathing techniques up to four times daily. Ben Peterson, author of 'Triphasic Training: A Systematic Approach to Elite Speed and Explosive Strength Performance,' recommends following your regular workout with five to 10 minutes of breathing exercises such as stacked breathing and deep belly breathing to improve exercise recovery. Core Benefits The process of stacked breathing exercises the muscles of the chest and stretches out the lungs, which helps improve lung capacity and increase oxygen intake. Breath stacking also results in improved airway clearance.


tripete's picture

Max, these are awesome exercises. I have done these on and off for nearly 30 years. I learned them in high school as part of our stretching routine for long distance running. Anymore they throw me into a coughing fit.

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