polite hotkey to suggest dihals types go away

Well -- Several of us have tried to share our experience with you and your fears. The consensus seems to be that you need to resolve your issues with medical professionals and/or do not have ALS. We do empathize with your fears, but there is no more we can help you with at this time. This note is not to deter you from your investigations, but just not on this forum. You asked, we answered, so please move on. If you think you have a motor neuron issue, see your Primary Care Provider and get a referral to a motor neuron qualified neuro, note: most are NOT ALS/MND (Motor Neuron Disease) experienced! Anxiety can be a real problem that can endanger your physical health. Make sure you tell your medical practioner what you are feeling as well as how you are feeling. No need to reply. Goodbye and best regards. ----- Max ----- onset 9/2010, diagnosed with ALS by Stanley Appel 8/29/2013 It Is What It Is ...


ColleenAP's picture

My sister was recently diagnosed with ALS and already she is having problems verbally communicating and swallowing. From what I have read, it seems I should be looking into purchasing equipment. Is this premature?

MaxEidswick's picture

I think you may want to repost in Newly Diagnosed

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