My Brother Tim

I just had it in my heart to post this. With my own problems lately. And Life in general. I would like to say something about my brother Tim with ALS. Tim, You are an Amazing person. The Inner strength you have, just astonishes me. The wonderful Will and Attitude. You are so Strong. You have always been Caring, Generous, and Giving. All your Life. My Family always tells me that I will be 'Blessed' for everything I do, even with my own illnesses . I tell them, I am already Blessed. I do from my Heart and Spirit. As I do. I get back, like my Heart and Spirt is being fullfiled, over and over again. I never run on empty. The inside of a person really matters. When Tim was in the hospital in March. I sat back and listened and looked at him in Amazement. The things he had to say and talk about where important, no matter what is was about. His voice is like music to my ears. And to see him, always brings a Smile to my face. I will always be dedicated to him. Down to the least little thing he needs. I get it. Tim, You are such an Inspiration in my Life. You don't know how much strength you give me. I have four brothers and I love them all. I have always been protective of Tim, even though he was older than me. I am so glad that I can be here for him and others. My point is. The inside of a person with ALS is so important. They still need to express that. We just don't need to forget with assisting them, and everything else going on how amazing they really are. They need us. Physically and Intellectually. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you my sweet Brother. You are here and now. I wouldn't miss a moment of time that I can spend with you. Lorie:-D

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