acupuncture can it help

hi my brother was diagnosed with als only 6 months ago. but his symptoms started over 2 yrs ago.his arms are now both affected and his left leg. with unsteady gait. and baclofen didn't really help with his arm cramps..waiting on stem cell clinical trial at mgh praying he gets in with no placebo! has anyone tried acupuncture? I have researched but found mixed reviews.. some have said it kept them mobile for longer.. any input would be greatly appreciated thank you eileen


Hannahbell's picture

I have been having acupuncture for 9 months once a week. MND continues its progression through my legs now into my back, arms and torso. For 2 days after each session I have improved control over my whole body. Also, it reduces the fasciculations. So as a support therapy I recommend it, but the condition continues on its merry way.

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