caring for my mom with als struggles

My mom was diagnosed with als in jan Jan 202014.she got her trac in Feb and went to nursing home till October. In there she lost all use if her legs and the atrafined. I took her home in october 2014 .I work full time and had a nursing company for 2 years and went through many nurses.some I found yelling at her nd holding her arms down.i got a camera in her room now to I have issues with them sleeping most of the day.well after complaining they quit on me I stead of watching the videos. They then called coos out to do well check cause her hemoglobin dropped and I didn't take her to Hospital. I tried to tell them unless she is under 7 they won't I fuse this has been such a roller coaster ride with doctors nurses wound care and over all issues that arrise.she is now in her 3rd year and has no use of anything. All I hear from doctors is think of her quality of life shut her vent off and let her mom is still alert how do they think I can do that.i love her and am great fun for everyday I have with her. What is your thoughts when is it time to let go?

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