Stessed big time !

Feeling very overwelmed these days . Muscle cramping started in both the legs over a month now . They are consitant now and very intense . Went to my family doctor , she did a blood draw . My magnesem was low , been on medication . Not helping . Went to my neuroligist for a yearly follow up . He did his routine checkup . I told him about the cramping . He put me on gabipentin 3 times a day , is not helping any . Went to emergency last nite , cramping was very intense . He checked all my levels , all came back fine . He told me to go to a neuroligist and have a nerve conduction test done . I am scared to death to get the test done ! I return for my second visit to NIH in maryland aug 16th . In the mean time just found out that my sisters DNA test results are back . She is waiting on me to get there to find out results . OMG , to much ! Cry alot these days !

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