I'm getting more and more worried

Hi I'm a 45 year old male. Approximately 2 months ago I got a strange, stiffness in my Right calf that just hasn't gone away and has gotten progressively worse to the point of hampering my normal walking and is causing some pain around the ankle now. It's also started in my left leg between the calf and the ankle. This is all accompanied by severe fasciculations and spasms, especially at night. These tics are occurring throughout my body. as well. I've seen my doctor and the blood work is all normal, been to chiropractor several times with no luck and he thinks I should push my doctor for s referral to a neurologist. I'm becoming more and more paranoI'd. Please advise?!


Saty13's picture

I'm not a doctor, but the symptoms you describe are consistent with ALS. They are probably also consistent with some other conditions too.  They are obviously very serious symptoms and I think you must go to a neurologist and have him/her test your nerve cell function with an EMG test.  You should probably undergo an MRI too.  You're near the typical age for ALS onset.  ALS takes time to diagnose because there's no direct test. They have to rule out other conditions.

Best of luck. 

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